Season starts

Oct 05, 2009 12:33

I began my lessons on tuesday ^^ The modules I finally chose are: Shakespearean Comedy, Syntactic Theory and Sociolinguistics. Just six hours of class but much homework to do. The thing is that as the uni season starts everyday is going to be entitled XD

- Tuesday, 29th September, TOW lessons start. There is no much to tell about it XD I met the Syntactic Theory teacher who's perfect because she talks so slowly and I can understand her with no problem (also I love syntax, so...); and then I met the Sociolinguistics teacher, she's nice and the module seems to be very interesting.

- Wednesday, 30th September, TOW they talk about cinema. I hadn't lessons on wednesday so I went to the uni to study in the library (oh em gee, what a library!) and to have lunch with Judit (the classmate I come to Leeds with), Alba (a spanish girl we met the first day) and Raúl (a spanish boy we met the second day), no, I'm not just with spanish people but we met in the refectory so. The thing is that after the lunch as nobody had lessons then we stayed in the refectory talking about cinema ^^

- Thursday, 1st October, TOW Mike becomes president. We had elections in the residence because each house needs a President, a Treasurer; My house (Centre Barbier) and another one (Barbier House) are together in this, and Mike (one of my housemates) wanted to be president so we were preparing his campaign and cheering him up during his speech XD Obviously he won XD

- Friday, 2nd October, TOW the photocopy card. Nothing interesnting on this day but I got a photocopy card so... Yay! XD

- Saturday, 3th October, TOW Pretty Woman. It was the Freshers' Ball (I didn't go because it was 17 pounds plus the dress and the shoes and I prefered to save the money for travelling). At last I did well not going because they told me that it was just like clubing but in fancy dresses. Anyway, the day was TOW Pretty Woman because that morning I went shoping to the city center with some girls because they needed dresses and shoes and these things. HERE you have some of the pics I took before they leave to the Ball.

- Sunday, 4th Octover, TOW free food. After hours of study I went with Sophia (one of my housemates) to an Internacional Students Meeting in my residence to meet more people. It was great and I discovered that I'm the only spanish at Bodington Hall (which is ok because I have to speak in english if I want to speak with someone XD) THe thing is that they gave us free pizza for dinner and we love free food XD

Just one more thing, yesterday (4th October) was Susan Sarandon's b-day (I'm sure she spent the day with Richard Gere XD) so...

That's all!!
See you!

pictures, celeb: susan sarandon, leeds people: kiwi, b-day, leeds people: mike, dolly's life, university: erasmus

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