Hear Me Now: Prologue

Aug 16, 2010 20:27

Title: Hear Me Now
Author: dolce_amore93
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: G-R
Genre: Future-Fic/Angst/Romance
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Wish I did, but alas, I do not. This story is based off of the song "Hear Me Now" by Secondhand Serenade. Again, not mine. :)
Summary: Upon being told by Reid that he is in love with him, Luke freezes up. Not because he doesn't feel the same, or because he's unhappy, he's just... afraid. Out-of-control. Panicked. For reasons he can't even figure out himself he knows he simply cannot repeat those three little words back to Reid. So, like a frightened child, he runs away to New York, leaving everything and everyone behind without warning. After a year of being gone, he misses home. He misses Reid. He's ready to return to the place he pushed away. He has no idea what awaits him, but he knows one thing for sure - he's not afraid anymore.

Author's Notes: Hi guys!!! :D After much lovely feedback for my idea of this fic that I posted a week or so ago, I decided to go ahead and start writing this bad boy. It's a work in progress whereas my last multi-chaptered fic was already completed when I started posting, so you're going to have to bear with me! I'll try to post chapters several times a week though, I promise! Enjoy! Comments = Love


A few months into being in a relationship with one Luke Snyder, Reid decided it was time to move out of Katie’s place and get his own apartment. Within a month, Luke was bringing in box after box of his “stuff” (which Reid had no idea where the hell it was being stored in the prison-cell sized bedroom of his at his mother’s house), and what he had once thought of as “his own apartment” turned into “our own apartment”.

The transition from dating to cohabitating was a fairly easy one. Just as in the rest of their relationship, at home Reid made messes that Luke helped clean up. And just as in the rest of their relationship, at home Luke asked Reid to do things he would normally refuse to do, but did them anyway simply because Luke asked him to. And, just as in the rest of their relationship, things weren’t perfect, but they made an unspoken agreement to both liking it that way. And so it went on - the banter, the bickering, the flirting, and the sex, just as it had before.


April 2011

The morning sun trickled into their bedroom, birds singing in the tree just outside their window

“Oh my God, shut the hell up,” Reid murmured into his pillow.

“Me?” Luke asked, laughing as he laid beside him.

Reid peered at him with one eye open, still nuzzling into the pillow nose-first, “If you chirp while I’m trying to sleep, yes.”

“I think they sound happy.”

“That’s fine and dandy, but why do they have to be happy at six in the morning on my day off? I need to get a water gun or something and shoot it through the window.”

“Reid!” Luke exclaimed.

“To my credit, I only want to use a water gun,” Reid retorted.

“Mm,” Luke mumbled in reply. Reid rolled back over onto his back and Luke snuggled into his neck, pecking it up and down with his lips.

Reid turned his head into Luke’s hair and kissed it. Luke was the most energetic, talkative, giggly, excitable person he had ever known. That was the Luke that had turned him into a revoltingly sappy person. It was this Luke - relaxed, quiet, the one that only Reid’s eyes saw - that made him so damn proud to be that sap that he was ready right then and there to take Luke to Old Town, be ridiculously adorable with him and not give a flying fig who saw, even his interns who thought him to be the devil incarnate. It was this Luke that put words like “adorable” into his mental vocabulary.

“I love you,” he said with his signature cool confidence.

Luke pulled back and looked at him, wide eyed and cheeks draining of their normal pinkish hue. “Oh,” he whispered, barely audible.

Reid bit his lip as they laid in silence for at least a full two minutes before Luke ran a frazzled hand through his hair and sat up. “Uh, what do you want for breakfast? We don’t have very much in the house, so if you want to like, go to Al’s or something, maybe we can go there and then…”

“What are you doing, Luke?” Reid asked gently, unable to mask the pain striking his expression.

“I’m talking about how we’re going to spend your day off.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it.”

Luke nodded and stared down at the sheets. “I don’t want to do this with you right now, Reid.”

“Do what?” Reid asked with bitter laughter. “The words ‘I love you’ aren’t exactly fighting words, Luke.”

Luke shrugged. He knew what Reid wanted to hear in return, obviously. He didn’t know what to think, though. He didn’t know what to do. He had no clue as to why the hell he was acting this way right now, but he was. He knew Reid loved him. He really did. And he had fallen hard for Reid, too. But he couldn’t say it back. He just couldn’t.

With Noah it was easy. Luke was always in charge, always sure of himself - of what he was doing and what he was feeling. With Reid though - everything was deeper, more intense, more passionate. It was real and it was raw and it was - incredible. It was something that Luke loved and was scared of at the same time. He was most definitely not in control with this relationship. And in this moment, that was freaking him out.

“I think I have to go for a walk or something,” Luke stammered, getting out of bed and pulling on his jeans from the day before.

“You’re leaving?” Reid asked, half asleep but fully in shock.

“I know I’m acting kind of crazy right now…”

“Oh, you think?” Reid replied sarcastically.

Luke threw on a tee shirt and sighed dramatically. “I have to go, Reid.” And with that, he left, a harried mess.

Reid let out a sigh and stared up at the ceiling. He was in love with Luke long before Luke was ready to be loved. Reid, not being a stupid man by any stretch of the imagination, knew this. Just as he had waited patiently to sleep with Luke, he didn’t mind waiting to say it. He knew he loved Luke before they were even together. But Luke needed time. And Reid was okay with that. He wanted intensely for Luke to know how wanted, how loved he was. At the same time, Reid knew that if he rushed things it could ruin everything, and he couldn’t take that. Luke Snyder had transformed Reid into a patient man, and he wasn’t sure how it happened.

It wasn’t something Reid thought about regularly - he was much too busy to worry about discussing emotional shit on an everyday basis - but acknowledged from time to time that he was subconsciously waiting for Luke to be ready to hear it. In a way, from the time he met him until now, he had always been waiting for Luke in one way or another. Patience had always proven to be worth it with him, though, so Reid didn’t care.

This morning was one of those days that he woke up thinking about it. Luke had told him what felt like forever ago that when things were right, they happened. This morning, on an insanely sunny spring day, things felt right, and he said what he was thinking per usual. And now he laid in bed alone with Luke out pounding the pavement in total disarray.


Luke walked down the sidewalk, his arms freezing. It was April in Illinois and he was kicking himself for not throwing on a jacket before leaving. He shook his head as he thought about how he left. No explanation, no apology, barely any talking at all - he just jumped up and left like a total nutcase. Because he was loved. Because Reid loved him. What an idiot.

Then he tried to picture going back, and - he couldn’t. Reid would be sitting at that table eating cereal and would look up at him with those pained blue eyes and - what was he supposed to tell him? Luke tried to picture himself saying the words, telling Reid how much he loved him (the honest to goodness truth), and he couldn’t. The scene played out in his head a thousand and one times, none of them playing out the way he wished it would. The way Reid deserved.

He shivered as he took out his cell phone and punched in a number. After three rings, a familiar, grandiose voice answered. “Darling, I rarely get calls from you at such an early hour! To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Hi Grandmother - about the clients in New York for the foundation - call them and let them know that there’s no need to come to us. I’m going to them.”

“To New York? Why?”

Luke processed the question in his mind for a moment before answering. Why? Unlike his own jumbled feelings that he couldn’t put into words, he knew what he wanted for Reid. He couldn’t tell him that he loved him back. Luke would rather have the man hate him for eternity than love him in ways that Luke was unable to reciprocate.

“I’m just going to be spending some time there for a while. You know - get away from here, clear my head,” Luke said nonchalantly.

“Won’t Reid have to resign his Chief of Staff position?” Lucinda inquired.

“Reid is staying here. I’m catching the next flight out. Could you send the contact information to my phone?”

“Oh.” Lucinda said. It wasn’t often she was rendered speechless. “Yes, sure. Of course. Do you need me to call the pilot to fire up the jet?”

Luke smiled sadly. “No, I’m flying commercial.”

rating: r, fanfiction, fic: hear me now, !author/artist: dolce_amore93

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