fic: 10 Little Moments (Music/Drabble Prompt)

Nov 28, 2010 17:38

Title: 10 Little Moments
Author: dolce_amore93
Disclaimer: I do not own LuRe. Songs that inspired these drabbles belong to those that created them, not me!
Rating: PG
Summary: Prompt || Put your music player on random and write a drabble for the song that plays. When the song ends, stop writing! Make 10 of these drabbles! No cheating! Drabbles completely unrelated except for the fact that they're about LuRe.
Author's Note: Wow, this was so much fun! I could do this with every song on my Ipod, lol (but I have a lot of songs and not THAT much free time, so perhaps I should resist the urge :p). It was a little bit difficult at first, but once you get into the groove of the pace you need to write at and the style that works best, it gets a little easier. For some of these, the song titles alone sparked the idea for the drabble, which will be obvious. The not-so-obvious ones were inspired by the song's lyrics. They aren't perfect 100 word drabbles, but they're all pretty short. Comments = love!


Monster || Skillet

When Reid walked in the room, patients were horrified. People didn’t come to a neurosurgeon because everything was fine. Something was seriously wrong with them, and they trusted him to fix them. After he completed a surgery successfully, the frightened looks went away, replaced by ease and gratitude. When a surgery went wrong, though, when a patient couldn’t be saved - their loved ones looked not frightened, not angry, but just as though they were looking at a total monster. It was only when he came home to Luke, when he was kissed on the cheek and greeted with a smile, that he was reminded that he was not a monster, but human. Only human.

You’ll Ask for Me || Tyler Hilton

One day, Luke would see that he was worth more than how Noah treated him. Reid had to believe that, or he couldn’t look at Noah at all, thinking about how he had rarely seen the man treat his boyfriend like anything than a piece of trash, a ragdoll to throw around when things didn’t go his way. One day, Luke would realize that he didn’t need to follow someone around in order to get them to pay attention to him. One day, Luke would realize that he already had Reid’s attention, even being the annoying, spoiled little brat that he was. Because he wasn’t like the rest of them - the rest of this ridiculous town Reid found himself stuck in. One day, Luke would figure that out. Not today, but one day, he would.

Saturdays || Chevelle

Saturdays were the best. Reid slept in until the very late hour (in his opinion) of 8 AM, Luke waking up an hour or two after, and calling Reid back into the bed that had gotten cold since he had gotten out of it to go eat and read the newspaper. And Reid, not being able to resist, would always return to bed, slip under the cold covers, and let Luke stick his nose in the crook of his neck to warm the two of them up.

Breathing || Yellowcard

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, Luke liked putting his head to Reid’s chest to feel the rise and fall of it as he breathed in and out. It was hard to fall asleep when he did this, between the man’s heartbeat, the breathing motion, and the gentle snore that escaped his nose. But it was worth it. Always worth it.

Black Wedding || Meg and Dia

Goddamn Oakdale weddings. Lily and Holden were getting married for the third (or fourth or eighth or something like that) time, Luke being the best man. Meaning Reid had to be his date (the only time Reid had ever minded the idea of being Luke’s date). They had to stay the entire night (in favor of ditching the reception in the Lakeview early to get room upstairs) mingle, and ugh - act happy for the couple. Thank God Luke knew about these things, because Reid certainly didn’t. Thank God for Luke, period.

Chocolate || Snow Patrol

Reid never remembered loving someone half as much as Luke. And that scared the hell out of him, because now it was a fact - he was in love with the guy. It was too late to go back. As much as he’d like to say he had control over it, like he did every other facet of his life - ha, he didn’t.

Somewhere I Belong || Linkin Park

He didn’t belong when he was at Harvard. Most people who knew him professionally wouldn’t believe that, with the arrogance he put off, but he didn’t belong there. Many people were there because they were intelligent, yes. Many were also there because of mommy and daddy’s money and connections. He couldn’t relate to that. So, he kept to himself.

He didn’t belong in Dallas, either. Hell no. Having one-night stands (or fun times that couldn’t even constitute as an entire night) with closeted cowboys (not realizing they were closeted until the morning with the blushing and the ‘you never saw me’ bullshit)? No.

He didn’t belong in Oakhell. Oh God. No. Not until Luke showed him the whole town wasn’t so hell-ish.

Perfect || Simple Plan

Reid and Luke were more alike than they realized in that they held themselves to the highest standard when they didn’t necessarily have to. Luke had always tried to be the perfect - the perfect - boyfriend to Noah. Say all the right things. Be attentive. Be understanding. None of it worked.

Reid had to be perfect in his professional life to make up for a lack of a proper personal life. Spending entire nights reviewing cases, making perfect every little detail that had potential for failure - it was important as a doctor. Nothing mattered more than his patients. Nothing. Still, being perfect in his career wasn’t everything. When things were quiet, when he had time to think about his life - even Reid admitted that to himself.

It was only when Reid and Luke were both alone, when they both had time to think about their lives, that they realized the things that weren’t perfect about one another were what attracted them to one another. Two imperfect people.

Ghost Town || Shiny Toy Guns

Oakhell was so damn wonderful in July. Everyone left for vacation to some exotic, ridiculously expensive island or fabulous resort, allowing Reid to actually walk from home to work without having to dodge pleasantries with all the Oakdalians he “knew” that wanted to stop and chat about their life story. It was like a ghost town. Reid thought ghost towns seemed like an awfully nice place to live. So peaceful. If he could pick Luke and himself up and move them to some deserted town, he’d do it. Of course, Luke would want to bring along his closest 50 friends and family members, and Reid wouldn’t be able to ultimately say no, which would then kind of defeat the purpose.

The Little Things Give You Away || Linkin Park

Luke scratched the side of his face when he felt awkward talking about something. Reid scratched at his scalp when he wanted to be casual about saying something that actually meant quite a lot to him. Luke always darted his eyes to Reid’s lips just before he kissed him. Reid always touched Luke’s face as he kissed him, trying to get closer, deeper. Reid babbled quickly when he was nervous. Luke would smirk in the middle of an argument because he was so damn bad at staying angry with Reid for very long. Reid’s expression hardened around most, but softened immensely when he looked at Luke. Luke smiled around most, but looked at Reid more gently and with purpose, taking down the uber-happy façade he felt he always had to keep up around others. They looked at each other and saw exactly who the other man was. The little things gave them away to one another.

fic: 10 little moments, fanfiction, drabble, !author/artist: dolce_amore93, music, rating: pg

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