Royal Treatment by Forthright [Drabble #134]

Apr 07, 2011 11:44

Title: Royal Treatment
Author: Forthright
Theme: Fate
Genre: Drama, Adventure
Rating: G
Words: 400
Warnings: This will eventually be added to Lord Charming, in which Sesshoumaru kidnaps an adviser.
Summary: CU. Sesshoumaru escorts Kagome to his private quarters.

Royal Treatment

“Join me for tea within the hour,” the Western Lady commanded. “Both of you.”

“Yes, Mother,” the taiyoukai replied resignedly. “Come, Kagome.”

On the topmost level of the castle’s many tiers, a manicured garden surrounded the central tower, which proved to be Sesshoumaru’s destination. Grappling the luggage, Kagome did her best to keep up, but she couldn’t see her feet, let alone all the stairs they climbed. A twist and turn later, and he ushered her into a room with stone walls, wood floors, and tatami mats.

“This place offers privacy,” he solemnly declared.

“So... we can talk?”

“When necessary.”


Sesshoumaru crossed to the panel that opened onto a narrow balcony and stepped out. At this height, the air was clear, free from the scents of the many inu-youkai whose attendance he’d confirmed during his climb through the avenues.

Kagome slipped up behind him and gasped at the magnificence of the view, for the many peaks and pathways of this ancient hideaway spiraled away towards the mist-shrouded rim. The castle was suspended in azure, sky above, sea below. “Sesshoumaru-sama?” she whispered in awe.


“Is all of this yours?”

“If I wish it.”

“Do you?” she asked softly.

Sesshoumaru shrugged.


Kagome gazed dreamily at the maze of garden paths below. The fates have grown kinder; this quest is a cinch. True, she’d been kidnapped, but she could chalk that up to... well, to Sesshoumaru being Sesshoumaru. He’d made up for it by buying her new clothes, carrying her off to a castle, and letting her meddle in his love life. Dream come true!


Mama must be worried.

“Stop idling at the window,” Sesshoumaru called.

She turned and gasped anew. The sight of a closet overflowing with rich kimono temporarily chased all cares from her mind. I love my job!



“Look at all these! Why do you always wear the same thing!”


“Oh, this blue would be divine with your hair!”

Sesshoumaru resorted to physical contact, reaching out and gently grasping her earlobe between thumb and forefinger. She stilled; better yet, she fell silent. “Mother allows no armor at her table, and I must change. We should begin.”


He released her, satisfied by the contrition in her gaze... while it lasted.

A sly smile stole onto her face, and she held up the kimono she’d been fluttering over. “Can I put you in this one?” she coaxed.

-drama, -canon universe, forthright, -adventure, =drabble, =drabble #134 fate, 2011 2q

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