Unexpected Perspective (part 4) by Azurevi [Damsel in Distress Challenge]

Apr 07, 2011 12:24

Title: Unexpected Perspective
Author: Azurevi
Prompt: Damsel in Distress Challenge - Drop
Genre: Adventure/humor followed by romance in later chapters
AU/CU: Canon Universe 
Rating: T
Warnings: WTF moments
Word Count: 1,231
A/N: This is the fourth chapter! Read the first chapter here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6863345/1/Unexpected_Perspective
Summary: A battle with Naraku has unexpected consequences for a certain miko and taiyoukai.

Kagome was sulking. Which made Sesshomaru grumpy since-according to him-he NEVER publicly sulked and she should snap out of it before someone saw the state his poor body was in.

The stuck-up dog couldn’t even be happy that they’d gotten Naraku’s jewel shards, which HE now got to wear around his neck since he had all her miko powers. It’d be easier if he was gloating but instead he was pulling the silent martyr thing and driving her crazy.

“Hmph. Jerk.” She muttered.

Jaken jumped and nearly fell off Ah-Un at the sound of his master’s voice. Kagome was actually fairly worried about the kappa as he seemed to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. His brain was hard-wired against openly disrespecting Sesshomaru so he couldn’t treat her the way he treated humans normally but he seemed to get even more nervous when she smiled at him reassuringly.

“Why the hell does everyone freak out when you smile?!” She asked Sesshomaru, who was seated on Ah-Un in front of her.

“Because the things that make Sesshomaru-sama smile are bad for my health!” Jaken responded, huddling in front of Rin.

“Ah, maybe he just needs a new hobby.” Kagome sighed and ran a hand through her hair, her long, heavy, silky, silver hair. “Mmm… Has he tried embroidery?”

Sesshomaru shot her a glare.

“Needles!” Jaken shuddered.

“Uh… how about dancing?”

“Kicking!” Jaken rubbed at phantom bruises on his head.


“The only things Sesshomaru-sama plants are dead bodies and I have to do the digging!”

Kagome gave up.

“Home!” Rin announced, pointing ahead excitedly.

“Where?” Kagome narrowed her eyes but all she could see was a forest-lined cliff with a deep swift-running river at its base. “Beyond the forest?”

“Nope!” Rin bounced in her seat and kept her finger unwaveringly fixed on the cliff face in front of them.

Kagome kept looking until she saw that what she had thought were shadows in the rocks were actually wide windows. She looked around eagerly as Ah-Un dropped from the sky to land gently in a large sandy cave halfway up the cliff-face.

“Wow! This is so cool!”

“Calm yourself miko. The guards approach.”

“Eh?” Kagome looked around as two new scents registered in her delicate nose. “What are their names! Quick!”

“Hi Mori-sama! Hi Haru-sama!” Rin waved merrily at the two approaching youkai.

Oh man Shippo’s gonna flip! Kagome inwardly squealed as she recognized the tails swishing gently behind the two youkai. Kitsune!

Sesshomaru carefully slid off Ah-Un. He’d insisted on riding side-saddle since Kagome insisted on wearing ‘indecent’ clothing. It was odd to see herself acting more lady-like when her body was possessed by a decidedly male demon.

“Welcome home Sesshomaru-sama.” The slightly older kitsune greeted.

“Thanks! It’s great to be here!” Kagome chirped with a smile.

Both men took a step back.

“Oh for the love of-“

“Any attacks in my absence?” Seshomaru asked, striding past their group.

They stared at the slender woman before them who acted as if she were a dominant demon.

“Hey Sesshomaru-sama…” Kagome called. “You’re a human girl now, remember?”

“Hn.” Sesshomaru sniffed dismissively as if this were simply a minor detail he deemed his guards unworthy of knowing.

“Sesshomaru-sama?” The older, Mori, questioned with his eyes on the human girl in front of him.

“We pulled a body swap.” Kagome explained, helping Rin out of Ah-Un’s saddle and removing her yellow backpack. “Don’t piss him off though; he’s got the powers of a miko now.”

The younger, Haru, looked like he had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at the idea of Sesshomaru as a priestess.

Sesshomaru turned on his heel and marched away from them, towards a doorway carved deep into the cave.

“Ah wait Sessh-!” Mori couldn’t finish before Sesshomaru hit an invisible wall and was thrown back several feet.

“What was that?” Kagome canted her head to the side and stared at the lightly shimmering air. “You better not have singed my hair!”

“Those are Sesshomaru-sama’s private chambers.” Jaken explained as Sesshomaru picked himself up and glared furiously at the doorway. “None may gain entry without Sesshomaru-sama personally escorting them inside himself.”

“Miko. Remove this barrier at once.” Sesshomaru ordered, never taking his eyes from the doorway.

Kagome’s jaw dropped. “You can’t be serious! I don’t even know how to detect barriers yet!”

“Clearly.” Sesshomaru turned swiftly and strode back to them. “Come.”

“What about the others?”

He glared.

“Please make sure my friends get rooms, and Jaken when you get a chance please show Miroku-sama the library!” Kagome called as she followed Sesshomaru back to the doorway that had rejected him.

At the last minute Sesshomaru grabbed her hand and dragged her through, then dropped it as soon as they were in a dark hallway. Kagome surveyed the interesting swirls patterned on the walls and reached up a long-fingered hand to run down the cool stone. She followed behind Sesshomaru until they turned a corner and he stopped walking.


“I have a name you know.”

“… Kagome.”


“I am… unable to see.”

Kagome turned to see Sesshomaru, stepping hesitantly forward in the dark with one hand raised in front of him.

“You haven’t memorized your own home?” She asked. “You seem like the kind of person who would know exactly how many steps long your entry hall is.”

“Forty two.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“My steps in this body are not as long as my steps in that body. And I am unable to smell the changes in the air as we travel deeper into the fortress and I do not wish to perish on the stairs.”

Kagome heard the frustration in her own voice and took pity on him. In two strides she was beside him and took one hand, placing it on the gold and purple obi knotted around her waist.


“Proceed miko.” Sesshomaru waved ahead of them.

“Ahem.” She cleared her throat significantly and glared down at him.

“… Kagome.”

“All righty! I can’t wait to see your rooms, I bet they’re really nice.”


“So is this like your family fortress or something? It’s pretty sweet.”

“It is new.”

“Really? … wait, how old is ‘new’ to you?”

“If I tell you will you learn to be silent?”

“No promises.”

After a lengthy pause Sesshomaru sighed. “I built it two hundred winters ago.”

“That’s not new!” Kagome again examined the walls around her, looking for claw marks or other signs of carving but all she found were the strange swirling patterns. “How long did it take?”

“Two moon cycles.”

“… Two months?? That’s it??”

“I was in my true form.”

“Ohhh…” Kagome understood the patterns now. “Youkai drool’s some serious stuff.”

Sesshomaru ignored her.

Kagome fell silent as she noticed a change in their air, the temperature dropped as they descended but it was Sesshomaru himself who smelled differently. He somehow smelled more relaxed, like the tension was being drained from him with every step deeper into his fortress.

The really weird thing was that the more relaxed Sesshomaru smelled, the more her own muscles loosened and tension she didn’t even notice eased out of her limbs.

The path lightened and soon Sesshomaru was able to walk on his own. He paused in the entryway to a much larger room with a sigh, eyeing his rooms appreciatively. “Home.”

azurevi, -canon universe, -comedy, -adventure, *damsel in distress challenge, 2011 2q

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