Pulling Me by Wlfhund [Drabble #110]

Oct 22, 2010 14:13

Title: Pulling Me
Author: Wlfhund
Theme: Ignore
Genre: General, Continuation, CU
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 200
Summary: Kagome feels the pull of a youkai in modern times. She knows she has to answer it, but someone is there to complicate things.
This may turn into a serial of "Consciousness" that I like to think of as "Consciousness Confused".


Word Count Perfection

200 word count

She could feel the pull of his youkai energy against her. She knew it was only a matter of time before she would have to go to him.

Glancing around at her family and Inuyasha; she discretely watched him to ensure he didn't sense anything amiss. Inuyasha's ears twitched as she moved around the kitchen to help her mother set breakfast. Smiling faintly, she realized it was just her and the clatter of the house that was causing his ears to flick back and forth.

As the morning insanity wound down in the Higurashi household, Kagome felt the tug get stronger, it was only her will that kept her in place. His call to her was strong enough, that she knew she would have to get away for a time, soon.

Looking around, seeing that everything was clean and back to rights, Kagome smiled brightly. “Well, I am off to run some final errands! Inuyasha, be a dear and help Mama with some of the packing?”

“Keh, don't be long, wench!” Inuyasha blustered.

“I won't!” she said

The youkai was almost oppressive now, as she flew down the stairs, toward the park, where he would be waiting.

-canon universe, wlfhund, =drabble, =drabble #110 ignore, 2010 4q, -gen!fic

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