Unspoken Promise by Esmooria [Drabble #110]

Oct 22, 2010 14:11

Title: Unspoken Promise
Author: Esmooria
Theme: Ignore
Genre: CU, Romance
Rating: K+
Warnings: None
Word Count: 200
Summary: Sesshoumaru realizes something is wrong and goes after Kagome.

A/N: The next part of my serial, Conquered. The rest of this fic can be found here:  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6261794/1/Conquered

It took absolutely no effort on the demon’s part to slash a hole in Kagome’s stomach, and in an instant they were in the air, Kagome completely unconscious. This will be easy, he mused as he made his escape, sure that no one would follow them.

The smell of Kagome’s blood reached Sesshoumaru’s senses almost immediately. Violet eyes widened as he bolted out of the room, ignoring the strange looks from all the nurses. He had to get to Kagome…now.

He felt Mrs. Surami’s eyes on him as he dashed out, paperwork in hand-but he didn’t have time to care.

As soon as he reached the outdoors, he let his illusion slip. A flash of white was all anyone would see as his speed increased, following the scent of his long-time companion’s blood. It didn’t matter that she hated him; he’d never forgive himself if she were to die. She’d survived all that time under Inuyasha’s care; could he not do the same? It was a silent promise he’d made to Inuyasha upon his death-one he was sure could be seen in his eyes.

And Sesshoumaru was certainly one to keep his word-even if it remained unspoken.

-canon universe, -romance, esmooria, =drabble, =drabble #110 ignore, 2010 4q

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