Her Unwanted Savior Chapter 6 Married ( Damsel In Distress Challange)

Sep 01, 2010 21:20

Title: Her Unwanted Savior

Author: Sessy21

Prompt: Damsel In Distress Challenge- Damsel Indignant

Genre: Romance, Action, Kink.

AU/CU: Canon Universe

Rating: MA

Warning: Sexual content, Profanity,ect.....

Word Count:616

Summary: Kagome is angry at Sesshomaru for having a wife.

Link: www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/4345/6

After making his announcement Sesshomaru led Kagome to the head of the table and sat her to his left. Kagome silently observed him as he filled her plate with choice morsels. When he seemed to be waiting for her to begin eating Kagome plucked a rice ball from her plate and took a big bite.

Sesshomaru's member hardened as he imagined the girls lips closing around his cock instead of the rice ball. He watched her tongue dart out and draw a stray piece of rice into her mouth. He grabbed her hand as she reached for another one, she looked at him a puzzled expression on her face.

“ Eat the fish” He commanded and focused on his own meal.

The meals continued in silenced all eye on the human that The Lord had just claimed as his own. Kagome's head turned as the doors to the dinning hall were thrown open and a beautiful red haired woman stormed into the room.

As the woman came closer kagome realized she was also a demon and headed straight for her. Sesshomaru stood to place himself between Kagome and the angry woman, but the red head was faster. With a scream to rival a banshees, the woman threw herself at Kagome taking the both to the ground. Kagome struggled to pry the hands that were wrapped tightly around her throat away, her chest burning from lack of air, as she fought. Sesshomaru pulled the woman off of kagome and tossed her across the room by her hair. She hit the wall with a loud thump then climbed unsteadily to her feet, glaring at Kagome.

“ You would forsake me for this human filth.” She accused angrily.

Sesshomaru ignored her and took Kagome into his arms, when she was safely tucked against his chest he turned and walked toward the door.

“ You no longer interest me Tessa.” He called over his shoulder. “ Guards, take her to a cell until I have time to deal with her.” Kagome flinched when the door slammed behind them. She gazed up a Sesshomaru wide eyed.

“ My Lord, who was that?” She asked as they approached the door to her room. Sesshomaru sat her on the bed and examined her neck.

“ She is my wife.” He stated tilting her head to the side. Kagome froze then slapped his hand away.

“ Your wife! Your married and you expect me to have sex with you!” She demanded jumping to feet. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed.

“ You belong to me! I will do with you as I wish.” He told her, his voice hard. Kagome backed away from him.

“ I'll never willingly let you touch me!” She yelled indignantly, turning her back on him.

Sesshomaru's eyes began to glow as hie ire rose. He grabbed Kagome and tossed her onto the bed. She scrambled backwards her legs tangling in her kimono, fear replacing her anger. Sesshomaru's nose twitched as the scent of her fear filled the room. He walked toward the bed, sliding out of his shirt as he came.

“ I have never forced a woman to be with me, but I will have you. You will simply have to beg for it.” He said and crawled into the bed, covering her with his body.

-canon universe, -action, -romance, -hentai, sessy21, *damsel in distress challenge

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