Her Unwanted Savior Chapter 5 Claimed ( Damsel In Distress Challange)

Sep 01, 2010 21:17

Title: Her Unwanted Savior

Author: Sessy21

Prompt: Damsel In Distress Challenge- Dense

Genre: Romance, Action, Kink.

AU/CU: Canon Universe

Rating: MA

Warning: Sexual content, Profanity,ect.....

Word Count:405

Summary: Sesshomaru decides what to do with Kagome.

Link: www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/4345/5

It had been three days since Kagome was given to Lord Sesshomaru, and she had not seen him in as many days. The first day she had been led to her rooms by the yound demon girl and left to her own devices. No one spoke to her, every time she left the room they all stared at her in curiosity or in some cases disgust.

She had mostly stayed in the room given to her and gazed out the window, but o day a mesenger had informed her that Lord Sesshomaru demanded her presence at dinner later that night. The same young gril, who told Kagome she was called Yuri, helped Kagome pick something to wear and dress for dinner six hours later.

Now kagome stood just inside the door, frozen in shock.

* Why is everyone looking at me? What's going on. * she thought.

Movement at the front of the room made Kagome look up and gasp. dressed in all white, save for the ice blue thread that shown on his shoulder, Sesshomaru calmly walked toward her, his body stopping mere inches from hers. He stared down at her for a moment then took her hand turning to address the room.

" I take this girl as my concubine. No other will touch her and all who harm her will face me. " His voice rang throughout the silent room.

Kagome stared at him in shock.

* What?*

-canon universe, -action, -romance, -hentai, sessy21, *damsel in distress challenge

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