Frustration by BlueHeavensAngel {Drabble #102}

Aug 30, 2010 23:28

Title: Frustration
Author: BlueHeavensAngel
Prompt: Tame
Rating: K
Genre: Drama
Words: 300
Summary: Some people just don’t take a hint.

A/N:  I've decided to make my weekly drabbles interconnected so the start of this drabble story can be found here:

Walking faster, Kagome was determined to get to her destination as quickly as possible. If she couldn’t get some time alone at school then she’d go elsewhere for some peace. Soon the park came into view. Jogging to a bench underneath a tree, Kagome plopped down letting out a sigh.

The park was relaxing and beautiful, the perfect place to enjoy the day. Pulling out her book, Kagome closed her eyes as a cool breeze brushed past her. It had been a long day. She glanced to her left to see tame squirrels happily chasing each other among the branches of the trees.

Suddenly, she heard a creak and felt the bench shift beneath her as someone sat beside her. Looking over at her new companion she bit back a groan. It was none other than miss popularity herself, Kagura Sasaki. Kagura was your typical rich snob, except she had no qualms about publicly throwing herself at the resident stud, Sesshoumaru Oshiro.

“I know what you’re doing,” stated Kagura, breaking the silence.

“You figured out that I’m reading? How astute of you,” Kagome replied, none to pleased with the newest obstacle between her and the tranquility she so desired.

“Don’t be smart with me! I know you’re after Sesshoumaru, but you better give up now. He’s mine,” snarled Kagura.
Kagome merely stared at Kagura, raising an eyebrow. So Kagura thought that she was after Sesshoumaru? As far as Kagome was concerned they could have each other.

“Kagura…I’m not after Sesshoumaru,” Kagome patiently explained, “We just happened to both arrive early to class, nothing more.”

“Fine then! Deny it, but I’ll be watching you If you even look in his direction you’ll be sorry,” Kagura declared as she spun around and walked off.

Resting her head against the bench, Kagome groaned.

blueheavensangel, -drama, -alternate universe, 2010 3q, =drabble #102 tame, =drabble

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