Burning Passion by Madison (Drabble#102)

Aug 30, 2010 22:04

Her heart was pounding in her chest as her fingers kept twitching. Sesshomaru had requested that she meet him in the forest after midnight. Considering their previous passionate exchange, she could only imagine what was going to happen.

Her throat felt dried as she glanced down at her watch. 11:57. In three minutes she would leave, that way she would be there after midnight, and she wouldn’t appear to be in a rush.

Considering she already had an idea of what might happen, the thought of some protection had crossed her mind. Of course, the whole thing had been so sudden that, she was never given the chance to go home. It had to be a sign; they had to wait.

As the seconds ticked away, her state of mind only became worst, until it hit midnight.

It was on shaky legs that Kagome headed for the deep forest, looking for him.

And then, there he was. She could distinguish his silhouette through the darkness, and with each step she took in his direction, her heart throbbed, until finally, she was standing in front of him.

She felt him take her hand in his, pulling her down. Kagome immediately dropped to her knees by his side. In a soft gesture, he cupped her cheek, and she felt him press his lips against hers, creating butterfly in her stomach.

Kagome felt herself become dizzy with an unknown passion as his arms snaked around her waist. Carefully, he laid her down upon the silk he had flattened out on the ground, and as his caresses invaded her body, she could only think of one thing.

“Nothing will happen, little one,” he softly whispered in a reassuring manner.

Sesshomaru had tamed his fear of human and youkai love relationship.

And she felt loved.

-canon universe, madison, 2010 3q, -romance, =drabble #102 tame, =drabble, -gen!fic

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