Weekly Perfection - Voting
We have seventeen entries for this week's prompt, and the time has come to choose our winners. Look over our Blue drabbles and make your picks for first, second, and third place. To cast your ballot, simply reply to this voting post. Comments are screened to preserve your anonymity, but you must be signed in for your vote to be counted. We'll keep a tally, and the winners will be announced shortly after noon on Thursday (PDT). **As announced in
this post, if we have 15+ voters, Fourth Place will be awarded. Here are our entries:
You Feeling Kinda 'Blues'? Secret Santa Blue is the Color Prologue Practice Makes Perfect Siblings Responsibility Creamy Seduction Chew On This Unexpected A Day at the Pool Freudian Awakening Oddities Who's Got the Button? Random Negotiate While you're looking over the entries, why not give our authors a little
encouragement? Leave them a review to thank them for their efforts!