Title: Secret Professions
Author: aimee_blue
Rating: T
Prompt: Rainbow (One Shot #38)
Genre: Humour, Romance
Word Count: 979
Summary:Continues from my 'Purse' drabble: Secret Senses. Kagome is confused by her future.
Kagome grinned wryly as Hinako, dressed in a compilation of rainbow colours, twirled into the small room to plop herself into the chair opposite Kagome.
She had pink hair, chicly cut into an elfin crop that came to her chin, a red coat that belted around her waist, a long royal blue pencil skirt and a purple scooped neck shirt with bright yellow stilettos strapped her feet.
Her lime green beret fell into her soft brown eyes and she pushed it back to look critically at Kagome’s attire.
“Yes?” Kagome grinned as she waited for the inevitable comments about how she was dressed. Hinako never could deal with how conservative Kagome’s wardrobe was.
She was wearing a simple black A-line skirt with sheer black tights and dark purple stilettos. Her blouse was also a dark purple and the sleeves stopped at her elbows. She didn’t think there was anything wrong with her outfit; she wasn’t the one wearing a lime green beret.
“Maybe a shiny shawl, some hooped earrings?” Hinako suggested as she wrinkled her nose. “A crystal ball maybe? Props make the part Kagome-chan!”
“I’m not a gypsy Hinako-chan, and I’m not even sure gypsies dress like that.” Kagome giggled slightly “I’m just a really crappy fortune teller.”
“Not crappy!” Hinako denied adamantly “You knew that Yusuke was going to cheat on me before he did!”
Kagome rolled her eyes. She had met Hinako a while back and absentmindedly told her to watch out for the car when they were in the cafe - Hinako had thought her crazy and left in confusion. A few minutes later Hinako had walked out into the street and almost gotten herself run over.
Kagome had always been able to do things like that. But nothing was ever concrete; she didn’t get premonitions or dreams. She just got random feelings every now and then. And so, with the crappy amount her job paid, she had decided to become a fortune teller.
Hinako had been the catalyst in that decision. Convincing her that she should just give it a shot and that she would worry about rounding the people up.
Kagome hadn’t expected her sideline to be so lucrative, but now she had enough money to look after her secrets all on her own, not to mention pay for her Grandfather’s medical care and repairs on the shrine.
Every two days she was visited by hordes of people, but nowadays most were politicians, actors, journalists, doctors; people with money that were happy to come for her in exchange for their privacy. Something she would gladly give them, she wanted confidentiality just as much as they did.
She could only imagine what Sesshoumaru would do with the information and it terrified her.
“Stroke of luck.” Kagome replied, folding her arms stubbornly.
Hinako chuckled slightly, Kagome was brilliant, really she was, but she could be frustrating when she didn’t believe in her own gift.
“And the near-fatal car accident?”
“Random coincidence” Kagome declared.
“My apartment flooding?”
Kagome pouted and shrugged “I don’t know.” She decided that telling Hinako about her almost mugging wasn't going to aid her denial.
“Ha!” Hinako was triumphant. “Now admit you can predict the future.”
“You are going to lose your beret very soon.” Kagome promised in an ominous tone.
Hinako’s expression shifted to bewildered for a moment before Kagome swiftly lunged over the table and filched the beret from her head.
“Pretty” Kagome commented as she ran her thumb across the soft material.
“What is it?” Hinako asked eagerly, Kagome had that slightly distant expression on her face that appeared every time she had a ‘feeling’.
“Something to do with a cow and a dog.” Kagome murmured in her perplexing way.
Hinako nodded thoughtfully, she had been around Kagome long enough to ignore the abstract quality of the prediction. “I’ll be on the lookout then.” she grinned.
Kagome glanced at her phone as a text message made itself known via a vibrating that nearly landed the phone on the floor. Flipping the contraption open she frowned at the message. Looked like she’d have to go and visit them before she went home that day.
“Who is it?” Hinako asked.
Kagome smiled the soft smile of her secret and Hinako nodded wisely.
“Are they okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just gonna have to check up on them before I go home tonight.”
“Do you have another appointment?” Hinako changed the subject.
Kagome glanced down at her schedule and frowned. “That politician, Naraku.”
“Oooh!” Hinako enthused “he’s all manners of hot.”
“Yeah and creepy too.” Kagome reminded her.
Hinako shrugged. “But hot overrules creepy.”
“Now you sound like Jakotsu with his flippant attitude to Sesshoumaru’s taunting, just because he’s kinda beautiful.” Kagome raised a brow.
Hinako waggled her brows. “He’s even better than Naraku!” she licked her lips suggestively.
Kagome sighed “There’s no helping you.”
Hinako laughed and tossed her bubblegum-pink hair out of her eyes. “You only just figured that out?”
“And so predictable” Kagome jibbed.
Hinako grinned impishly. “And you said you weren’t a fortune teller.”
Kagome smiled indulgently as Hinako bid her farewell and closed her eyes as the small tug against her senses alerted her to a new ‘premonition’.
“Silver, gold, red, magenta, eggshell blue.” she frowned at the strange list of words that had spewed from her mouth. It had been the same for the past year, every time she had tried to get some sort of feeling about her future she would see those particular colours.
“My rainbow of confusion.” she remarked to the empty room. “Ah, first sign of madness talking to yourself, but then, I can see the future.” she concluded.
Naraku poked his head around her office door “Higurashi-san? Are you talking to yourself?”
“Um... no, please come in and sit down.”
Discarding hopeless feelings, she once again tried to get back to her job.