Title: Wounded Light
Author: LC Rose
Prompt: Purse (Prompt #75)
Rating: T
Genfic: drama, angst AU
Word Count: 200
Warnings: Inu language
Summ ary: Inuyasha notices the differences around him…
a/n: This is a continuation of Wicked Games. The inspiration for this piece is drawn from the manga Gakkou no Ojikan (a very light but good read).
Inuyasha watched the girl he’d come to slowly know. She was bent over her desk, her eyes intent upon the book there. Kagome’s lips pursed in concentration as she worked over a problem, but not once did she look in his-or rather their-general direction, as she was usually wont to.
She had always been bright and shining, happy no matter what it seemed. Even in the face of anger, Kagome smiled blindingly bright and moved through it with unnerving determination. Now her light seemed dimmed and Inuyasha wondered what had happened.
He glanced over towards his brother, who still seemed as stiff as always and yet something was off with him, too. Involuntarily, Inuyasha’s fist clenched at his side. Damn it, something had happened when he hadn’t been around and now Kagome was walking around in a wounded daze!
The bell rang, dismissing them, and he watched as Kagome stood and moved methodically out of the room. Turning to his brother, Inuyasha slammed his foot down, blocking Sesshoumaru’s path. “What the fuck did you do to her?” he demanded to know.
“I did nothing,” came Sesshoumaru’s reply, so quickly said Inuyasha knew he was lying.
“Fuckin’ liar.”