Quandary by LordRandallsLady [Christmas Challenge]

Dec 23, 2009 17:33

Title: Quandary
Author: LordRandallsLady
Theme: Jingle all the Way (Christmas Challenge)
Genre: AU, romance
Rating: K
Word Count: 609
Warnings: None.
Summary:  Sesshoumaru finds himself on the hunt for his assistant’s present.

AN: Part five of Heart of Mine.  

He’d escaped the office to try and clear his mind of his perky assistant, even if only for a little while.  Unfortunately, as Sesshoumaru’s walk took him past gaily decorated store windows, he realized he had neglected to purchase a Christmas gift for the girl.  With the employee Christmas party the following night, he had run out of time.  And so, throughout his absence, his mind was still thoroughly focused her.

Truthfully, though, he didn’t know what he should get Kagome.  After all, he didn’t know her all that well, but his gut told him he would know when he saw it.  What he did know from observation and snippets of overheard conversation, he knew she was a hopeless romantic and that she loved the holidays.

‘That doesn’t really give me much to go on,’ he thought, frustrated.

He could take the easy way out and just buy Kagome a gift certificate to somewhere.  This idea was dismissed almost as quickly as it had come.  He wanted it to be something special, but not too special - something that would convey his thanks for all of her hard work, but didn’t come across as romantic lest she get the wrong impression.

After wandering the downtown stores for nearly two hours, still unable to find something he thought suitable, Sesshoumaru was about to give up when he spied a small shop crammed between the larger stores.  It was the type of place that one would have missed had they not looked directly at it.

“Fine Antiques & Collectibles” the sign read, and the storefront looked to be as old as the contents housed within the building.  There was nothing special about the collection displayed in the slightly dingy window, glass warped by time, but Sesshoumaru felt compelled to explore.

Pushing open the door covering in iron bars, the bright jingle of a bell greeted him along with the smell of dust and mothballs.

“Good afternoon, sir.  Let me know if there’s anything I can help you find,” a small, aged man greeted from behind a counter at the back of the store.

Sesshoumaru nodded his thanks to the man he was sure was the store’s original owner, but doubted he would find what he sought here.  The assertion of “fine” antiques seemed to be stretching the truth just a bit.  From what he’d observed in the few seconds he’d been in the store, it appeared to be full of the unremarkable that was found in most antique shops.  However, not wanting be rude by leaving without looking, he perused the cluttered shelves for a few moments.

And then he saw it, a small object tucked high on a shelf and hidden by the clutter in front of it.  Had it not been for his tall stature, Sesshoumaru would never have seen it.  Reaching out, careful not to disturb the items around it, he plucked the gilded creation from its perch.

“Ah yes.  A truly fine piece that one,” the ancient store clerk spoke from behind him.

Sesshoumaru hummed is agreement as he inspected the exceptional craftsmanship between long fingers.

“Dates back to circa 1923, produced in limited quantity.  It’s said that this one was given to one of the Rockefeller children, though there’s no proof.”

“How much?” Sesshoumaru asked, though he knew it would not matter, only half hearing the price named.  “I’ll take it.”

“Very good, sir.  Would you like my wife to gift wrap it for you?” the clerk asked, carefully tucking the delicate piece into box of tissue.

Ten minutes later, Sesshoumaru left the old antique shop, the small, elegantly wrapped gift nestled safely within the pocket of his overcoat.

-alternate universe, *christmas challenge, -romance, 2009 4q, lordrandallslady

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