Unannounced by CookieAsylum [ Drabble #67 ]

Dec 23, 2009 11:12

Title: Unannounced
Author: CookieAsylum
Prompt: Drabble #67 - Sever
Genre: General
AU/CU: Canon
Rating: K
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
A/N: Part 3 of A Feline Fiasco, where Kagome is transformed into a cat and enlists the unlikely aid of the daiyoukai.
Summary: ... Especially for the one who comes across unexpected circumstances.
Link: http://dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/3032/1


Turning on his heel, the cold lord left the mismatched group in a flourish of fine silk. Inwardly, he scoffed. It was not his duty to keep tabs on their hapless miko. That was his half-mongrel sibling's problem. To have lost her was no fault but their own.

Even so, the girl was essential for Naraku's destruction...

And as he landed outside his pack's chosen shelter, his youki burning the remnants of the deluge from his clothes, an unfamiliar presence reached his senses. The severing stink irritated his nose. Lip twitching minutely, a frigid curse echoed through his thoughts:


-canon universe, cookieasylum, =drabble, 2009 4q, =drabble #067 sever, -gen!fic

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