Botan by Nox Aeterna [Drabble #199]

Jul 12, 2012 02:35

Title: Botan
Author: Nox Aeterna
Theme: Peony
Genre: Friendship
Rating: K+
Note: My interpretation for peony in this story is based on Greek mythology.
Word Count: 400
Summary: Kagome stumbles across an injured Sesshoumaru, and he doesn't turn her away.

Sesshoumaru stirred slightly from his slumber, bleary eyes searching the clearing for any sign of danger.  He was greatly drained from his last encounter with Naraku when the abomination had tried to absorb him, severely diminishing Sesshoumaru’s youki.  He could not believe that worthless blend of low-level demons had managed to catch him in one of his deceitful tricks.  One day that spider would finally have to pay for his transgressions, and Sesshoumaru would be the one to deal punishment to the coward.  With the thought of vengeance, the demon drifted back into sleep to continue the healing process.


Sometime later, Sesshoumaru heard a disturbance in his clearing.  He opened his eyes to see his half-brother’s wench milling about the area.  She appeared to have some supplies with her, mostly foreign to him except for some bandages.  While he did not want to admit it to himself, he was curious.

As she turned around to face him, he closed his eyes.  He would allow her to continue whatever it was she was doing…for now. He heard more shuffling and felt her approach him.  Was this human stupid?  Surely she had not forgotten he had attacked her on several occasions?  What a strange human indeed.  For the second time that day, he was forced to admit that a lowly human woman had made him curious. He was not pleased.

He felt the girl rub an ointment on a wound on his arm, wrapping one of the bandages around it -the place where that scum Naraku’s tentacle had grabbed him while he tried to absorb him.  Did this girl honestly think that simple flesh wound was the source of his trouble?  What a silly human indeed. Once he felt the woman nearing the end of her ministrations, he finally opened his eyes once more.

When steely blue eyes met amber for the first time that afternoon, Kagome froze, fear evident on her face.  Sesshoumaru, tiring of her gaze, glanced around the meadow and finally noticed the flowers surrounding them.  If he had been a lesser demon he would have smiled at the irony.  He did not.

Instead he spoke one simple sentence that left the girl stunned. “The original peony was a healer as well.”  Sesshoumaru then rose from his spot at the base of the tree and walked away, never looking back to see the priestess still frozen in place.

2012 term 2, -canon universe, =drabble, nox aeterna, -friendship, =drabble #199 peony

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