Meeting by milingchi [Oneshot: Mix and Match]

Jul 06, 2012 23:48

Title: Meeting
Author: milingchi
Prompt: Mix and Match
Rating: K+
Genre: Fluff, AU
Word Count: 958
Summary: Sesshomaru reflects on his first meeting with Kagome.

Sesshomaru sighed, since when did he care so much about a human girl? Well, since he met her. Of course it had never been Sesshomaru’s plan to care for anyone; he fully intended to scare everyone off who tried to get close to him. When he met her though…

She had been wearing two different colored socks, a lavender blouse, an orange pair of jeans and read ballet flats. She hadn’t even spared him one glance, unlike all her classmates. Another thing she did that was unlike her classmates was that she hadn’t even tried to socialize.

That had caught his attention enough that he had gone over to her and sat next to her. When he approached she had looked at him, mumbled a hello and looked back at the table. He didn’t respond but he continued to look her over. She had raven locks that seemed almost blue, blue eyes, and tan skin. For a kindergartener she was beautiful.

“Hello, my name is Sesshomaru. What is yours?” he had asked. She had looked back up at him with a shocked expression.

“It’s Kagome,” she had replied. Sesshomaru nodded, such an odd name for such an odd girl.

“Well Ka-go-me,” he said, his tone a little playful. “Why are you unlike all the other girls?”

“Because I don’t like how all the other girls act. They giggle and gossip and tease and it isn’t very nice,” Kagome said, a spark of anger in her voice.

“I agree, Ka-go-me,” he said. He was starting to like that nick-name.

“All right class, it’s time to start,” said his teacher, Sara Asano. She had waist length black hair that did not have any bangs. She wore a long sleeved, red turtle neck and black trousers. “Right now I want you to turn to the person sitting next to you and get to know them. That means, their favorite color, what they want to be when they grow up, what they want to name their children, and so on. I will walk around the room to make sure you do so,” she ordered.

“Well my favorite color is green,” Kagome said while looking at Sesshomaru, trying to figure his favorite color out.

“It is red for me. What do you want to be when you grow up?” he asked, assuming it wouldn’t be something the other girls said.

“I don’t want a job,” she confided. Sesshomaru chuckled inside; it was definitely not what the other girls would say.

“I will work at my father’s company when I grow older. What about children?” Sesshomaru asked even though he really hadn’t put much thought toward it.

“Well I really didn’t put much thought toward it but I don’t mind gender and I don’t care about how many but I know I want one of them to be named Shippo,” she said, putting a finger to her lip.

“I have to agree with you but I do like the name Rin for a girl,” he said, his voice thoughtful. Mrs. Sara decided at that time to pop up behind the two of them.

“What have you two learned about the other?” she asked. Sesshomaru and Kagome caught each other’s eyes, both holding a questioning look in them.

“Kagome’s favorite color is green, she does not want a job and she does not care about how many children she has or what gender but she does want one name Shippo. She does not like all the things the other girls like, says it’s too annoying,” he said, surprising the teacher who had heard that Sesshomaru was not a social child.

“Sesshomaru likes the color red, already knows he’s going to work at his father’s company and does not really care about gender or how many children but would like one name Rin,” she said, also shocking the teacher.

“Good children! Well, continue to get to know each other,” Sara said before walking off.

“I like to mix and match things,” Kagome said. Sesshomaru chuckled at Kagome’s simplicity.

“That is interesting, Ka-go-me. Do you have any siblings?” he asked.

“Yeah I do, a baby brother named Souta. How about you?” Kagome asked, wondering what it would be like to be a sibling of Sesshomaru’s.

“Yes a younger brother. He is one year younger and is named Inuyasha,” he said, disgust filling his tone.

“Maybe he would like my cousin Kikyo. They would probably be the same age,” she said. “What is it you don’t like about your brother?”

“He is a disgusting half-breed,” he said. “Cats or Dogs?”

“I like both. I have a cat name Buyo, he’s big and fat, but dogs aren’t bad either,” she said, making big hand motions.

“I prefer dogs. Where do you live?” Sesshomaru said. Of course he preferred dogs, he was a dog demon after all.

“I live on a big shrine. My cousin Kikyo is actually a miko!” she said excitedly though he could sense a little sadness coming from her.

“A personally don’t care for mikos though I know Inuyasha likes them,” he said, trying to cheer her up.

“But mikos have awesome spiritual powers and they don’t need protection,” she said, her voice turning into a whine.

“That may be nice but I prefer to protect the ones I care about instead of letting them fight for themselves,” he said, watching her reaction closely.

“Really? So that means you don’t care if I can protect myself?” she asked, her eyes lighting up.

“Yes Ka-go-me,” he said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

“You’re the best Sesshomaru,” she said while throwing her arms around his neck in a hug, solidifying the bond between them.

Yes, that was how they came to be so inseparable.

2012 term 2, -alternate universe, mi ling chi, =oneshot, =oneshot #099 mix and match, -fluff

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