Title: The Interactions of Dogs
Author: Beermoney5
Theme: Shot
Genre: Romance, Drama
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
The Interactions of Dogs
On the way home from getting Frog his last set of vaccines, Kagome and Sesshomaru stopped by the pet store.
“So which one do you want?” Sesshomaru asked Frog, holding two different types of treats up in front of the puppy.
Frog nosed both bags, sniffing them.
“You’re right. We’ll get them both.” Sesshomaru tossed both bags into his hand held basket.
Kagome started to giggle at the interaction between Sesshomaru and Frog. Sesshomaru never ceased to surprise her with his actions. This was yet another side of him she never expected.
“What do you think is so funny?”