The Bracelet by Kaoruhana [Seven Treasures Challenge]

May 01, 2012 18:54

Title: The Blue Bracelet
Author: Kaoruhana
Prompt: Seven Treasures Challenge - Lapis Lazuli
Genre: Romance, Fluff
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: G
Warnings: No set time-line, each chapter reflects different times in Kagome’s life. 
Word Count: 779
A/N: Part 1 of a seven chapter story for the Seven Treasures Challenge.
Summary: It all started with the small bracelet that the stranger had bought for her that one Christmas.  She never realized that one bracelet might be the starting point for a new relationship.

That blue stone, Kagome noted, was one of her most favorite precious stones.  She’d always liked the color blue so it just made sense.  Tugging her mother’s hand, she pointed to a bracelet on the display window in which the blue stones were set.

“Mommy, that’s what I want for Christmas.”

Mrs. Higurashi followed her daughters line of sight and grimaced when she saw what Kagome wanted.  She really wanted to get her daughter what she wanted for Christmas but she couldn’t.  Having recently lost her husband and acquiring a baby boy to take care of, her funds had been tight.  Smiling down at her daughter she answered her.

“Kagome dear, I’ll try really hard to get it for you okay?  But you have to promise me that no matter what, you won’t cry if you don’t get that for Christmas okay?”

Kagome looked at her mother’s face.  She was sad that she wouldn’t get what she wanted for Christmas, but she knew that her mama was going to try her hardest and so she decided to not throw a tantrum.  Smiling, she led her mother away and pointed to other things in the mall windows during their shopping trip.

A few weeks later, Mrs. Higurashi stepped into the store and eyed the bracelet again.  The store manager came up to her asking her if she needed help with something.  Mrs. Higurashi sighed as she proceeded to explain.

“My daughter really wanted that bracelet for Christmas.  I’m afraid I don’t have all the money right now but I can pay off the bracelet in a few months’ time.  Is there any way you can help me?”

The lady sneered at Mrs. Higurashi before telling her that everything had to be paid at once and upfront.  They were a high-end jewelry store after all and it just wouldn’t do to ruin their reputation especially at this time of the year.

“Oh I see, well, if you change your mind, here-call the Higurashi shrine please.”  Mrs. Higurashi handed the woman a card and then walked out of the store.  Moments later, a smartly dressed man came up to the counter and asked about the card just given.

“A poor woman wanted to buy a bracelet for her daughter.” The manager answered giving him the card.

“Which bracelet was it?”  The manager pointed it out to the man and he eyed it.  It wasn’t an expensive gift for him but he could see how the price of the jewelry item could crunch the wallets of some people.  “I’ll purchase it please.  And I’d like it wrapped.”

The saleslady nodded, too happy at having sold something to pay attention to the narrowing of his eyes as he looked down at the card in his hands.  Tucking it in his pocket, he paid for the bracelet and left with it in tow.

Christmas morning at the Higurashi shrine, a doorbell rang and Mrs. Higurashi ran to answer it wondering who it was at the door.  She was surprised to see a well-dressed man standing in front of her, carrying a few bags.

“Hello, is there something I can help you with?”  She asked politely.

The man hesitated before holding out the bags.  She looked down and gasped. Inside were boxes of presents, presents that she hadn’t been able to afford this Christmas.  But why was he helping her?  Was this some Christmas miracle?

“I came to drop off some gifts.”  He paused before continuing.  “Your daughter will be very important in the future.  I have come to make sure she is taken care of in order to do that task.”

Mrs. Higurashi was confused but let the man into her house.  Maybe she could ask him more questions over tea.  She led him into the living room and watched as he took the gifts out of the bags and set them by the tree.  Kagome, who was already downstairs watching Christmas cartoons looked at them.

“Are they for me?”

The man chuckled and then pointed to a few.  He explained to her that Santa had asked him to bring the gifts because he couldn’t stop by the shrine last night- his reindeer were getting tired.  Those presents he pointed out were for her to open.  Squealing, Kagome didn’t even wait before tearing into her gifts.  Moments later she yelled out to her mother who promptly came running out of the kitchen.

“Look, it’s the bracelet.  Santa got me the bracelet!”  Mrs. Higurashi only put a hand to her mouth as her daughter walked forward to ask her to put the lapis lazuli bracelet on.  She really did get a Santa this year didn’t she?

-canon universe, kaoruhana, 2012 2q, -romance, *seven treasures challenge, -fluff

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