A Sweet Beginning by Kaoruhana [Six Course Challenge]

May 01, 2012 19:10

Title: Peachy
Author: Kaoruhana
Prompt: Six-Course Challenge - Fruit and Cheese
Genre: Romance
AU/CU: Alternate Universe
Rating: T
Warnings: OC characters
Word Count: 820
Summary: Sesshomaru has dinner with Kagome.
A/N: Fifth installment of “A Sweet Beginning”

Kagome turned from her spot by the mailbox as she heard footsteps behind her and smiled at Sesshomaru.  She wondered what it was that Rin had whispered in his ear before she left.  Whatever it was, it made Sesshomaru blush slightly.  When he stood next to her, he finally spoke.

“Kagome-san, what are you doing this evening?”  She was surprised at his rather uncharacteristic question as she answered him.

“Nothing much.  And you Sesshomaru-san?”  Sesshomaru paused as he wondered how to pose his next question.  He wanted to make sure that Kagome would not flat-out refuse his proposal and at the same time he wanted to show her his true intentions.

“Would you like to eat dinner together?”  It was a question that could be interpreted in many ways.  He could be inviting her over as a thank you for helping Rin or repay her for the earlier dinner at her house.  The invite could also be seen as a dinner between friends or something else. She wasn’t sure what he was hinting at but decided to take up the offer.

“What’s on the menu?”  Sesshomaru was glad that she had taken up the offer but wasn’t sure what he could make.  He couldn’t remember what he had in his cupboards or in his fridge.

“We could see what I have.”  He uttered wondering if that had been too forward of him.

“Okay.”  He led the way inside and the two were in the kitchen soon enough.  They explored the cupboards and refrigerator before deciding on classic pasta- spaghetti with tomato sauce.

Kagome stood by the stove, watching the sauce simmer and boil as Sesshomaru stood in front of the pot.  She hesitantly poked his shoulder and he turned his attentions to her.

“You think I should taste it?”  She pointed to the sauce and Sesshomaru nodded in response.  He grabbed a spoon and dipped it slowly into the sauce before handing it to Kagome who blew it and then tasted.

“It’s so good!”  She exclaimed dipping her spoon in again and handing it to Sesshomaru.  “Taste it!”  He obliged and had to admit the sauce was quite good and rather tasty.  But was it the indirect kiss that made it tastier and much more exciting to his taste buds?

“I think it’s ready.” He announced as he grabbed the sauce and tossed it into the already done spaghetti noodles.

After dinner the two found themselves on his sofa enjoying a nice talk.  Kagome had to admit that she felt rather comfortable in his presence and now was only wishing he would do something more.  She was confident that her indirect kiss had gotten some response from him but after that nothing else had happened.  Sesshomaru had cut up some peaches which he found and she bit into one of the juicy pieces feeling juices run down her chin.  She hastily wiped traces of the juice away and smiled at him.

“These are quite delicious don’t you think?”

“Yes.”  He watched her take another piece and couldn’t help but wonder if she was waiting for something from him.  He had been getting that vibe from her all evening and he wondered what he should do.  She pushed the plate of peaches away and reached for the glass of wine he had poured for her.

“Thank you for the dinner, I enjoyed it.”  He wasn’t sure what to answer her but as she turned to look at him he was suddenly taken aback by the way she looked.  Kaogome had always been pretty but today she looked radiant.  Her eyes were more pronounced adding definition and grace to her face.  Her lips were plump and red- she had been biting her lip- and they looked like they were waiting to be kissed.  As she made an attempt to bite her lip again, he acted.

Kagome blinked as the glass in her hand was placed on the table.  She didn’t even get a chance to question Sesshomaru’s actions as any reply she could have made was cut short by his lips on hers.  He tastes like the wine she thought as he pulled her closer.

Sesshomaru was more than happy as the woman in his arms responded to the kiss.  She tasted of peaches and gods just having her in his arms sent his brain haywire.  He pulled her closer and after a few more minutes, slowly drew away, leaving intermittent pecks in the wake of the heated encounter.

When Kagome opened her eyes after the kiss she licked her lips and noticed Sesshomaru’s eyes glowing into hers.  That alone made her blush as she thought about what they'd just done.  But it also gave her hope.  He was interested in her!  She was so happy and lost in her own thoughts that only his whisper by her ear brought her back to her senses.

“I think those peaches were really tasty.”

*six-course challenge, -alternate universe, kaoruhana, 2012 2q, -romance

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