WFD: Locking Horns by Avadrea [Drabble #183]

Mar 26, 2012 23:15

Title: Locking Horns
Author: Avadrea
Prompt: single
Word Count: 200 (according to word)
Genre: Romance
Universe: Cannon
Rating: T (because she is naked)
Warnings: How much longer am I going to do this to the poor girl? (Kagome is naked)
Summary: The fight is engaged.  And poor Kagome's tushie suffers.
A/N:  Continuation of Waiting For Dawn

Kouga leapt forward in a blur of motion to fast for Kagome’s eyes to follow.  One moment he had been standing several yards away and the next he was stopped midair, his leg held in Sesshoumaru’s unrelenting grip, the limb just a hairs breadth from the inu’s cheek.

A green glow enveloped the diayoukai’s hand and Kagome gasp at the sickly sweet scent of burning flesh.  Kouga didn’t even flinch as the acid burned his skin.  Twisting in the other male’s grip he brought his free leg around, the heel sticking Sesshoumaru in the shoulder, loosening his grip long enough for the wolf to somersault away.

Skidding to a stop the okami barely recovered his feat before lunging forward again a roar of challenge ripping from his throat.

“Stop it!”  Kagome stomped her foot in frustration as the melee whirled about her in a deadly cyclone of silver and black.  The furry appendage still coiled possessively around her body suddenly went taunt dragging the miko off her feet to land on her naked rear.  “I said stop you idiots!”

But the hard headed duo didn’t even spare her a single glance as they attempted to pummel one another into submission.

avadrea, -canon universe, =drabble #183 single, -romance, 2012 1q, =drabble

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