Whimsical Flirtations by Addicted-to-GazettE [Drabble #183: Single]

Mar 25, 2012 02:22

Title: Whimsical Flirtations
Author: Addicted-to-GazettE
Genre: Fluff, light Romance
Rating: K+
Word Count: 200 perfectly
Prompt:  Single
Universe: Cannon
Summary: The flowers were indeed a sight, yet his attentions were soley for her.

“Close your eyes; no peeking!” The delighted voice was musical in its joy. Willing to indulge the child Kagome obediently shut her eyes, allowing Rin to lead her slowly forward.


The meadow was as vast as it was colorful. Flowers of every shape and hue imaginable stretched as far as the eye could see. Kagome’s jaw unhinged barely registering the gentle tugging of her hand.

Beaming up at her newest friend, Rin was utterly delighted and felt somewhat proud to be able to share this place with Kagome. It was a secret only known to herself and Sesshoumaru-sama.

The sight had stolen Kagome’s breath, leaving in its place a silence that was only broken by Rin’s joyous laughter. Releasing her hand the child darted forward; orange kimono blending and contrasting with the surrounding flora.

Feeling a presence at her side, Kagome turned exclaiming, “It’s beautiful, Sesshoumaru-sama!”

He stood silently; golden eyes watchful of her reaction. Slowly lifting a hand, in a moment of whimsy the Lord tucked a single pale pink blossom behind her ear, "Agreed"

Already flushed cheeks darkening Kagome’s brilliant blue eyes widened as one corner of his mouth tilted, before he casually glided after his charge.

-canon universe, =drabble #183 single, -romance, 2012 1q, =drabble, addicted-to-gazette, -fluff

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