Title: Guest Bedroom
Author: Kaoruhana
Theme: Ungodly Hour
Genre: Romance, Friendship
Rating: G
Words: 623
Summary: Kagome didn't want her neighbor knocking on her door in the middle of the night. But maybe that chance meeting wasn't so bad after all.
Kagome was annoyed and angry. She wanted to kick him, throw something at him, do anything to hurt him but in her sleep deprived state she knew that she would never win. She glared and glared some more until he finally decided to tell her why he was visiting her at some ungodly hour at night.
“I want to sleep.” Kagome fumed. He had woken her up from a good night’s rest because he wanted sleep? Why the hell couldn’t he get it in his own apartment?
“My brother has decided to visit with his girlfriend. The noises from the guest room are hard to tune out.”
There were some things Kagome didn’t want to know at three in the morning. She didn’t need her really sexy neighbor coming to spend the night at her place because of this, but she decided that she could show some compassion. Souta had never been as rude as to have sex with his girlfriend when they came to visit and for that she was glad. Stepping aside, she led the way in and shut the door.
“Guest bedroom okay?” She asked her speech still deluded a little by sleep. He nodded stepping into her apartment. While the layout was exactly like his there was a different atmosphere to it. His was clean and contemporary; hers was cozy and lived in. There was a thick afghan on the couch and the guest bedroom had an earthly tone to it. The brown bedspread looked inviting to Sesshomaru who had been forced for three days to get perhaps two hours of sleep.
“Thank you.” He answered not even bothering to wait for her to leave before he got into bed. He was tired and as soon as he hit the bed his eyes closed. Yes sleep sounded good.
Kagome lost a bit of her ire as she studied him. He was obviously desperate for sleep and she couldn’t turn him away when he was so tired. Quietly, she shut the door and walked into her room to go catch a few more hours of sleep herself.
Sesshomaru woke up the next morning to noises. He wasn’t sure what he was hearing but as his senses slowly started coming back to him he realized where he was. The sun was avidly shining through the windows meaning he had slept in for the first time in a long time. He glanced around for a clock noticing the glaring alarm clock in the shape of a bright orange flower. He read the time and then promptly shot out of bed.
“Kagome?” He asked walking into her kitchen. However she wasn’t alone. Two young children, who he recognized as the downstairs neighbors’ grandchildren, were around her as she turned to greet him.
“Hey! I was going to wake you up but you seemed really tired.” She sheepishly fumbled with her feet. “We didn’t wake you up did we?” By “we” he assumed she was talking about her and the two little children.
“No, I actually need to get going.” He did mean that. Inuyasha and Kikyo were leaving today and he wanted to be there to see them off.
“Oh okay.” He paused at her slightly disappointed statement and before he could stop himself found himself explaining his actions.
“My brother is leaving today. I wanted to see him off.” He was unsure of what else to say and Kagome being ever intuitive caught on it.
“Well, we’re getting lunch ready right now.” She paused as she posed her next question. “Maybe you could join us after you see them off?”
“That sounds good.” He answered heading towards the door. Maybe for once in his life Inuyasha had managed to do something good.