Slumbering Jealousy by Beermoney5 [ Drabble # 158 ]

Sep 26, 2011 00:07

Title: Slumbering Jealousy
Author: Beermoney5
Theme: Mourn
Genre: Drama
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 400
Summary: Continuation to Twenty One Guns.

Slumbering Jealousy

Jaken had found Sesshomaru in a deep sleep, unable to wake him. The doctor was called, but there wasn’t much he could do about Sesshomaru’s condition, saying it was something we would have to wait out. Sesshomaru’s vitals were low, lower than the other times, and the doctor wasn’t sure Sesshomaru would pull through this time around.

Kagome had insisted that Sesshomaru be moved to her room on the first floor so she would be able to keep an eye on him, much to the protest of Jaken. The staff was hesitant to move Sesshomaru, worried about the repercussions should he wake and find himself in Kagome’s room instead of his own, but Ayame and Inuyasha had Kagome’s back and convinced them that they would take the blame should the move anger him.


“Would you stop that crying!” Kagome snapped at Jaken two weeks later. “You’re acting like Sesshomaru is dead and you’re morning him. Stop it, or get out of my room!”

“How dare you order me around, you stupid human!” Jaken sniffled. “I have…”

“Jaken, leave!” Inuyasha interrupted Jaken’s tirade as he walked into the room.

Ready to lash out at Inuyasha, Jaken paused and then thought better of it. As Jaken left, he muttered under his breath about how he didn’t understand why his lord would bring home a creature such as Kagome.

“Any change?”


“Have you eaten anything or taken a break?”

Kagome’s silence was all the answer Inuyasha needed. “Here.” He handed Kagome a bag as he pulled over a table. “I brought something for you to eat, and then you’re going to rest.”


“I’m not taking no for an answer,” Inuyasha interrupted. “You’re not doing anybody any good if you compromise your own heath.”

“Fine. You’ll wake me if there’s any change?”

“You know I will.” Inuyasha studied Kagome’s face a moment. She truly cared about his brother, and Inuyasha felt that her feelings went deeper than friendship. Kagome might not realize it herself, but Inuyasha was convinced she was falling for his brother. Jealousy swelled up inside of Inuyasha at the thought. He had been warring with his feelings for Kagome since the shooting and more so after she moved in with Sesshomaru. He had no right to be jealous, though, since he himself had a mate. But it was hard, especially since it was his brother Kagome was bonding with.

-drama, -canon universe, 2011 3q, =drabble #158 mourn, =drabble, beermoney5

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