Small by Aurora Antheia Raine [Drabble #157]

Sep 20, 2011 00:24

Title: Small
Author: Aurora Antheia Raine
Theme: Repair [Drabble #157]
Genre: AU, General, Comedy
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 300
Summary: Perhaps she wasn’t as damaged as he had originally thought… (Future chapter of drabble series Ready, Set, Fall found here:

It was official. He had damaged her; scarred her for life. Kagome hadn’t been able to look him in the eye all morning. Well… damn.

Most, if not all, women complimented his physique, but no… not Kagome. Only she would have a negative reaction to seeing him nude. Was there something wrong with him… or was it just her? Sesshoumaru mentally shook his head. It had to be her. He was perfect! Flawless!

Regardless, it was time to do some damage control. He needed to repair her or she’d be completely useless at the convention later. As it was, she was barely functioning at the breakfast table right now. But… how does one go about fixing a mentally scarred lead advertiser?

Sesshoumaru paused in thought.

No, that wasn’t the most accurate approach. Kagome was not your typical advertiser. Quickly, he rephrased his internal question. How does one go about fixing a mentally scarred Kagome? Much better. She definitely deserves a class all of her own.

He knew the answer to this.

Sesshoumaru leaned forward across the table, haughty smirk in place. “Don’t tell me you’ve never seen one up close and personal before.”

Immediately, Kagome’s head snapped up so fast, she probably gave herself whiplash. Her eyes were wide and a deep blush stained her face. “What?”

“My… You certainly weren’t this shy when you had taken it upon yourself to… How shall I put it? Feel me up?”

Her eyes narrowed into slits.

“No, I was just utterly shocked at how small it was,” Kagome snapped, making certain her voice was a bit louder than necessary. If he was going to tease her at a time like this, then she certainly wasn’t going to hold back.

Sesshoumaru’s jaw dropped open against his will as he was stunned speechless.


-alternate universe, =drabble #157 repair, 2011 3q, -comedy, aurora antheia raine, =drabble, -gen!fic

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