Tell-Tale Signs by pos_sess_ed [Drabble #150]

Aug 01, 2011 23:04

Title: Tell-Tale Signs
Author: pos_sess_ed
Prompt: Nibble
Word Count: 200
Rating: T
Genre: Enticing humor
Warning: Watch your mannerisms!
Summary: Lunching with the ladies teaches Kagome a valuable lesson.
A/N: My house is undergoing a huge remodel. It's been so long since I posted here, I may be a little dusty, lol. 

On a recent visit home, the girls cajoled Kagome into joining them at their favorite hamburger stand. Eri, always eager to offer advice about anyone’s love life shared this little tidbit.

“You know,” she stated with some authority, “they say you can tell what kind of lover a man will be by the way he eats.”

Thinking of Inuyasha devouring ramen, Kagome choked on a fry.

“What does that mean?” asked Yuka as she pounded her friend on the back.

“A man who shovels down his food may only be seeking a quick release. One who nibbles may lack an adventuresome spirit and be far too cautious for a good romp, while a man who savors his meal is enjoying what he’s putting in his mouth, if you know what I mean.”

Ayumi began openly observing the nearby male patrons, giggling into her hand as she did so. “Eri, I don’t know where you come up with this stuff, but I’m glad you do!”

Later, that particular conversation floated to the forefront of Kagome’s mind as she watched a certain daiyoukai leisurely enjoy a sumptuous dinner of roast rabbit. He caught her staring as he slowly licked each finger clean.

-canon universe, =drabble #150 nibble, 2011 3q, -comedy, =drabble, -innuendo, pos sess ed

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