Eye Catching by Spaceghst407 [Drabble #150]

Aug 01, 2011 21:04

Title: Eye Catching
Author: Spaceghst407
Theme: Nibble
Rating: T
Genre: General, Comedy
Word Count: 200
Summary: CU. Kagome is distracted by his perfection.

It had been her frightened shriek that stole his attention, earning him the wound. It wasn't serious, but he agreed to let her tend to him to ease her guilt. Kagome stood dazed as Sesshoumaru shrugged off the sleeves of his haori, letting the silk drape from his hips. Sure, she had seen Inuyasha, even Miroku, bare-chested, but they were mere boys compared to this.

His chest was smooth and pale, while his abdomen was lean and firm, the crimson stripes adorning his hips disappearing below the line of his hakama. She wanted to nibble on his delectable collarbone. She glared at the wound marring the perfection of his flesh, suddenly wishing he hadn't dispatched the thing so quickly, so she could give it a piece of her mind.

Sesshoumaru's dry yet amused voice interrupted her thoughts. “Miko, if you can tear your eyes from this one's flesh, perhaps you would like to treat the wounds before they heal themselves?”

Horrified at being caught staring, she ducked her head in apology, quickly getting to work. Sesshoumaru stilled as her fingers ghosted over his flesh, willing himself not to react. The miko was not the only one having difficulty focusing...

-canon universe, =drabble #150 nibble, 2011 3q, spaceghst407, -comedy, =drabble, -gen!fic

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