New purpose by Madison [Oneshot 75]

Jul 30, 2011 14:16

 Title: New Purpose
Author: Madison
Word Count: 1246
Rating: K+
Prompt: All Purpose
Genre: General
Summary: Trouble always repeats itself.
A/N: Chapter 10 of Phantasm - Not beta-ed.

At the woman’s words Kagome’s face crisped into both disgust and confusion. Toy? SNACK? She did an attempt to pull away, but nothing came of it, almost as expected. Why was the decision of following him looking stupider by the second?

Sesshomaru was well aware that no matter what he answered his mother, she would have something to say or do about it. Instead, he decided to send a glance her way, prior to dragging Kagome away. Her mother hadn’t known about the other one, and she would have no business with this one.

Actually, he shouldn’t have anything to do with her.

He had fulfilled his part of the deal and he had done everything that had been asked of him and more. If it wasn’t for him, this useless jewel protector would not be alive. He had only done it to not allow her to disgrace the name of the previous jewel owner. Now, he didn’t know what he was doing. Protecting the jewel, going further than his duty required of him.

Once they were inside, he nearly tossed her on a pill of pillows before walking away from her. He had brought her for lack of better options, but he did not enjoy this. Part of him wanted to hold on to the jewel, perhaps wait for another apparition, a more competent one, but they were too many factors to take into consideration. What if she was the last one? And what of his promise? She had kept hers, shouldn’t he keep his?

But… she didn’t know what she was doing! She had it in her possession for a brief amount of time and it along with her life had almost been taken!

What of the years he protected it, hid it?

He had a few items that might provide a seal on the jewel, maybe keep people at bay for the moment being. Sesshomaru threw a deadly glare her way, ordering her to stay put while he was gone before exiting the room, not knowing if she’d actually listen to him. She didn’t seem to be very good at respecting her superiors.

Kagome sighed, anger filling her heart. She was in a house with a deadly jerk and a woman who thought she was food and he wanted her to stay put?

She opened her hand, the pink jewel shining on her palm. She then proceeded to put it on a gold pillow beside her. If someone knew how to protect this thing it was him. Though she had no idea why it had to be protected. Heck, she didn’t even know where she was. Although, by the looks of the room she was in, they had a lot of money.

Without thinking, Kagome rose to her feet and began exploring the decent-size room the jerk had left her in. She hadn’t decided yet if she’d stay put like he had demanded, but she was intrigued. Why was everything so old looking? She already knew for a fact she wasn’t in Tokyo, but it left many other possibilities. None of them making sense.

How does one fall in a well and come out in another… world?

Suddenly, in the middle of everything, she spotted a white necklace, which was almost shining. Interested, she took a step forward. At that exact instant, the sound of wings flapping was heard, and she spun around quickly. Kagome had just the time to turn to see a crow grasp the jewel in its mouth. Its red eye glared at her before taking off, leaving the room through the window.

Her lips parted; that couldn’t be good. She swallowed hard before heading for the window. She stuck her head out, spotting the black bird flying away. She had to follow it. She couldn’t explain why, but it was the same reason she couldn’t give the jewel away when the man had threatened her. Something was telling her to protect it.

God, was she really about to jump out a window before something was telling her to do this?

She closed her eyes shut tightly before taking the big jump. Instead of gracefully landing on the grass, she felt flat on her stomach with a big thump. Wincing in bed, she scrambled to make to her feet. She began scanning the sky, hoping to spot the bird. Cursing the jewel. At the moment all she had noticed of it was its many purposes regarding her life.

It was ruining it. It made her meet freaking killers, have people chase her and now it was causing her to run wild in a forest to hunt down a bird that stole it.

Clearly its main purpose was to curse her.

She sighed heavily before she began to run with no destination in sight. She felt her breathing rate increase, sweat drops dripping down her neck; exercise wasn’t her strong suit. She didn’t hate it, but it wasn’t like she did it very often, not with all the subways and buses she could take. Yes, buses, that was what this place needed. Maybe at least a trail? She was walking in paths filled with rocks and branches and trees.

Kagome closed her eyes and shook her head, her hair tangling in the wind. Once she opened them again, she gasped and came to a complete stop. Because of her sudden halt, a loss of balance happened and she couldn’t prevent her imminent fall. She groaned in pain before glancing up at the reason for her suffering.

He stood tall in front of her, his hair flowing nicely in the wind. How could he run like that and not look like a mess like her?

“Are you running away from this Sesshomaru?” He had no time for her games. She had seen him in action: she knew what he could do. He could stand all demons because they were all purpose, even the weak ones. Humans on the other hand had no purpose except to be annoying useless beings.

He really had to stop with the third person thing. It was creepy. “The bird,” she said catching her breath.

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow, indicating she would have to provide him with more information than that.

“It took it. The freaking bird took it!”

Before she could add more, as if on perfect timing, the bird came down from the sky and in her view. Kagome frowned, determined. She roamed her hands over the ground, trying to find something - anything - to hit him with. If she didn’t he might escape her again. Finally her hands landed on what felt pointy. She glanced down only to see an arrow, or at least half of one.

She didn’t think about it twice and threw it to the bird with all of her strength. Because of the branches, she failed to notice the pink trail that followed it. All she was aware of was her luck when the bird cawed the moment the arrow hit him in the mouth. What she failed to notice during her moment of victory was how the arrow hit the jewel in its mouth.

The instant it made contact with, a bright light shun. It was extremely blinding, forcing Kagome to close her eyes to protect them. It wasn’t until she felt something hit her cheek that she opened them. Gently she peeled it from her skin with her fingers only to peer down at it.

On her finger was a tiny piece of pink… jewel?!

“Oh crap.”

-canon universe, =oneshot #075 all purpose, =oneshot, madison, 2011 3q, -gen!fic

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