Dress-Up by aimee_blue [drabble#149]

Jul 26, 2011 00:37

Title: Dress-Up
Author: aimee_blue
Prompt: Dust
Words: 300
Genre: General, Humour, Family
Rating: K
Summary: CU. Someone finds Kagome's old bow.

Amidst rickety towers of board games, mountains of bits and bobs, amongst trinkets and baubles, in the midst of discarded coats stands and lamps totting askew lampshades, a pillar of light interrupted the gloom. The light was the first illumination the attic space had seen in a long while.

Amidst the spider webs and the forgotten memories, a small child crouched next to a chest. Kimono spilled from the wooden container, forming a pool of silk around the little girl. Her golden eyes glittered in wonderment as she delved deeper in the exotic colours and silky smoothness and lush patterns.

At the bottom of the case, the little girl’s fingers encountered a smooth contoured length of wood. Prising the unexpected surprise from the bottom of the chest, the seven year old made a low noise in her throat as she pulled loose a bow that was as tall as her.

“Cool,” she murmured, clambering to her feet and giving an experimental twang of the bow string. She frowned adorably when nothing happened. Grunting, she put a little strength into it and grinned wickedly when the bowstring actually gave.


Little black puppy ears swivelled at the sound of her father’s amused grunt. The bow dropped to the floor with a clatter, stirring up a cloud of dust motes.

“Hi,” she whispered.

“It is good that we didn’t put your mother’s quiver up here too,” Sesshoumaru murmured, mussing his daughter’s raven tresses.

A hearty chortle came from Kagome, who had poked her head up into the attic. “It couldn’t possibly have been as bad as when Hiromasa-chan found Tetsaiga. Yasuyo-chan isn’t as destructive as her brother, thank god.”

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and nudged his youngest towards her mother. “At least you got to remodel the kitchen the way you wanted.”

-family, -canon universe, =drabble #149 dust, -gen!fic, 2011 3q, -comedy, =drabble, aimee blue

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