Selfish Desires by pos_sess_ed [Oneshot #69]

May 05, 2011 23:57

Title: Selfish Desires
Author: pos_sess_ed
Prompt: Satisfaction
Word Count: 515
Rating: T
Genre: Naughty Humor
Warning: 69... or not
Summary: Sesshoumaru gets what he wants.
A/N:  How can I ignore oneshot 69 with Satisfaction as the prompt?  You did that on purpose, didn't you Forth.  Are you happy now that your lure worked?

If the moans and groans emanating from him were reliable indicators, the demon lord was thoroughly enjoying his wife’s focused attention. Perhaps a little too much… her diligent ministrations were quickly bringing his Point of No Return to a head.

Just then, in the critical moment he was about to cross over that peak, Kagome’s warm, wet mouth left his groin--much to his dismay--and she began putting that talented tongue to work in his least favorite manner.

“Sesshoumaru, this position is supposed to provide mutual satisfaction. You’re supposed to be giving while you’re receiving! Whatever it is you’re doing back there, or not doing, is doing nothing for me!”

The last thing he wanted right now was a lecture about selfish behavior or an argument he wasn’t going to win. He pushed her head back down toward his straining erection and hurriedly applied himself to the task he had been neglecting. It only took a few good strokes from his talented tongue before she seemed properly mollified.

“Mmmmm… Now that’s what I’m talking about!”

Thankfully, she quickly forgave his lapse and put her mouth to his preferred use, sliding his turgid length past her lips once more. He half-heartedly tried to ignore how wonderful it felt, but it was difficult, especially when she grazed or nipped him with her blunt little teeth. It didn’t take long before he was once again concentrating solely on building into his own climax and completely slacking off where she was concerned.

She growled her displeasure and Sesshoumaru felt her mouth begin to pull away--presumably to complain again--but this time he was ready. His hand came down on the back of her head, keeping her in place while he bucked hard a couple more times before erupting into the back of her throat. Kami, she felt good…

Too wrapped up in the pleasurable aftershocks, her coughing and sputtering didn’t register. He also failed to notice how angry she was until she was on his chest and in his face.

“What was that? Don’t you dare think you’re just going to roll over and go to sleep… This whole 69 thing was your idea to begin with. You got yours, now I want mine!”

He yawned wide and turned, tipping her off to the side. “Miko, what we did was 68, not 69. I apologize, but it is your own fault. If you did not perform so well, I would lose neither my concentration nor my control so easily.”

She gaped at him, incredulous. “What to you mean, 68?”

He settled his weight and slowly closed his eyes, “That is where you blow me and I owe you one.”

As he drifted off to sleep, he listened to her rant with a big smile on his face.

“Don’t give me that load of nonsense! You’re not a dog; you’re a gravy-sucking pig! If this is the way it’s going to be, we’ll never do that again! Next time, I’m getting mine first! We’ll just see who rolls over and goes to sleep then, oh yes we will…”

-canon universe, =oneshot, =oneshot #069 satisfaction, -comedy, -hentai, 2011 2q, pos sess ed

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