Room 503, Friday mid-afternoon.

Apr 17, 2009 10:17

Normally the events of the last few weeks would call for a round of drinking or dancing or some other mode of repression, but that would require going out, which wasn't happening.

There were other worthy, time-honored methods when it came to dealing with things like this, which is why Yurika went through the trouble of actually making Haikara ( Read more... )

reno, romeo, yay boyfriend!, fandom strange strikes again, room 503

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Movie Time! dojima_hime April 17 2009, 15:27:07 UTC
For the Turk, plz.


Re: Movie Time! raspberryturk April 17 2009, 20:36:48 UTC
Reno was pretty sure that Doji was going to have ramen ready. That was the way of things, really. It was tradition, or something. If they were in horrible denial over something, they would have ramen.

Also, it was possible that books would end up getting thrown, and someone would have to break out the duct tape for one reason or another, but that was beside the point.

... Even if Reno had brought duct tape, stashed away in a pocket somewhere. One could never be too sure if it would come in handy. He'd brought popcorn, too. And a bottle of Coke and some rum. Because, really, what was a movie without something to snack on, and what was popcorn without something to wash it down with?

"Knock knock, yo!"


Re: Movie Time! dojima_hime April 17 2009, 21:10:57 UTC
"Come in!" Dojima sang from her spot on the floor, nose in a book. "But only if you brought me booze and treats!"

There were traditions to be upheld, dammit.


Re: Movie Time! raspberryturk April 17 2009, 21:25:40 UTC
The popcorn and the bottle of rum were the first two items to enter the room, as Reno was holding them in his hands and he had to wave them in front of himself in order to demonstrate that they existed. The Coke was under one armpit. That was what armpits were for, after all.

"You think I'd forget? Doji, that hurts, yo. Hurts me bad."


Re: Movie Time! dojima_hime April 17 2009, 21:31:24 UTC
"I didn't think you'd forget, but you might not be you," she pointed out, peering over the pages of her romance. "I already had a Montague drop by unannounced."


Re: Movie Time! raspberryturk April 17 2009, 21:33:46 UTC
"Might not be me? Did my voice drop any since we talked last?"

Actually, that was entirely possible. He'd been drinking last time they'd spoken, and all. "I got rum, anyhow. And popcorn. What movie'd you end up gettin'?"


Re: Movie Time! dojima_hime April 17 2009, 21:38:28 UTC
She wasn't going to dignify that with any response beyond sticking out her tongue, actually.

Maturity, thy name is Dojima.

"NiceGuys," she answered, getting up to grab one of the bowls of udon off the desk. "It's got gangsters!"


Re: Movie Time! raspberryturk April 17 2009, 21:42:16 UTC
"Oooh, I dealt with them, before!" Reno grinned as he started to seek out a spot for himself on the floor. The cat wouldn't get into the popcorn or anything down there, right? "Hell, we had one of our Turks, back when, come to us after he got bored playin' bodyguard for the most successful mob boss in Midgar, zoto. Could be a good movie."

Well, it had more potential than Don Corneo did, anyhow. That guy had been pretty easy to bump off, once he was dangling off the edge of a large carved rock.


Re: Movie Time! dojima_hime April 17 2009, 22:34:30 UTC
"I'm interesting in seeing exactly how competent the American yakuza are," she admitted. "This one is supposedly based on a true story."


Re: Movie Time! raspberryturk April 17 2009, 22:38:57 UTC
"Oooh. True stories can be good." Reno smirked and lifted the bottle of rum toward her. "Or, at least, if it sucks, you know that's because the real people probably sucked too, and you get the satisfaction of knowin' that you're better'n they were, yo."


Re: Movie Time! dojima_hime April 17 2009, 22:52:30 UTC
"Any lowlife idiot can be a thug-for-hire," Dojima agreed. "Running an empire? That's what takes the talent."

Admittedly, she was a bit biased, what with being a princess from a borderline yakuza family herself.


Re: Movie Time! raspberryturk April 17 2009, 22:56:37 UTC
It wasn't like Reno was any less biased, really. The Turks were the idiot thugs for hire. They were just very skilled idiot thugs for hire.

"Been there, saw that. Know all about people runnin' empires and the peons workin' under 'em. You gonna hit play?"

The rum was going to be gone before the movie started, at this rate!


Re: Movie Time! dojima_hime April 17 2009, 23:09:12 UTC
"Bitch bitch bitch," she complained, setting the laptop to 'play' and leaning back against the bed to steal some of the popcorn. "Ramen's on the desk if you're actually hungry, yo."


Re: Movie Time! raspberryturk April 17 2009, 23:11:35 UTC
"Score!" The rum and Coke had been forgotten for the time being. There was food to be attained.


He was grinning and hogging that bowl of ramen all to himself, dammit, and there wasn't a creature alive that was going to get close to it until he'd had his fill. "What you been up to lately, anyhow? Been keepin' busy?"


Re: Movie Time! dojima_hime April 17 2009, 23:22:44 UTC
"'Busy' is one word for it," she answered with a smirk, recalling her earlier conversation with Romeo. "More like keeping myself entertained. Checking the housing ads for Tokyo, trying to figure out anything about getting a car, that sort of thing."


Re: Movie Time! raspberryturk April 17 2009, 23:26:29 UTC
"Oooh, yeah. Housing." Reno grimaced a little, and then shrugged and proceeded to wolf down some more noodles. "I should probably look into that kinda junk, too. Let the dog and rabbit know I won't be workin' here much longer. Find out if Rude's gotten too used to livin' without me that he ain't gonna let me crash on his couch or whatever. Figurin' shit out sucks."


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