Room 503, Friday mid-afternoon.

Apr 17, 2009 10:17

Normally the events of the last few weeks would call for a round of drinking or dancing or some other mode of repression, but that would require going out, which wasn't happening.

There were other worthy, time-honored methods when it came to dealing with things like this, which is why Yurika went through the trouble of actually making Haikara udon earlier in the day. Still ramen, just - nicer.

Some things were sacred, darn it.

Which is why she was currently sprawled out on her floor, food set out on her desk and a movie queued up on her laptop as she waited for a certain redhead.

[Open door, open post! Thread with the Turk comes last, zoto.]

reno, romeo, yay boyfriend!, fandom strange strikes again, room 503

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