DJ got me falling in Love- Epilogue

Jun 02, 2013 21:47

And it's a perfect 10/10.

A year later...

"Why are we closing early today? There's still so much muffins left..." You stare at the leftovers in the display case, unsure whether to throw them away or bring them home to finish.

The evening sun is shining through the windows, casting a small spectrum of rainbow on the glass display. Sunshine is getting rarer nowadays with the upcoming winter.

Kyungsoo glances up from his tray of tarts and grins.

"We'll be donating them to the children's home, so don't worry." His knowing smile doesn't fade even after speaking to you.

"You've been acting really weird today." You observe. "First you sent the workers home early, and now it's not even five but we're already closing shop?"

Kyungsoo snickers, but doesn't say anything further.

It's getting on your nerves.

One thing you've picked up from your paparazzi days, is that unquenchable curiosity for secrets. And you know Kyungsoo is hiding one right now.

Crossing your arms, you frown and demand, "Now, tell me what's up."

This time, Kyungsoo sets the tray down carefully on one of the cafe's tables and approaches you, smile still etched on his face.

After being together with him for so long, you already know his next course of action. And you're right. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into an embrace before you can even protest.


After so long, you are still powerless against him.

Choi Gaeun, the tough cookie and spitfire, all goo and meek in front of the person she loves.

Goodbye to your old self, welcome the tamed shrew, who now goes by the salutation of Mrs Do.

You are still unused to the staff calling you that though, insisting them to address you as Gaeun. But they forget sometimes, and you find yourself blushing with the honorific.

The two of you have taken over the bakery business and been married for nearly a year, but it just seems like yesterday that you two have been squabbling, falling in love, nearly breaking up and then Kyungsoo saving you from a near death experience.

You have a slight phobia of enclosed spaces and water after that, but he is helping you overcome it bit by bit.

"You have been grumbling about not getting a vacation for the longest time, so today I'm giving our workers and ourselves a well deserved rest, don't you think I ought to get some credit for that?" He says softly, gently swaying you from side to side.

You'll whack him if you could, but now with his arms tightly wound around you, there's nothing much you can do except to huff.

"Really? Shouldn't you be thanking me? Ever since I joined Provence Bakery, sales rocketed even more, that's why we have this branch in Apgujeong now. Do you know how difficult it is to secure this prime space?"

He chuckles. "I know, I know... And Grandma will be proud of you as well."

You pull away from his embrace to glimpse at him. The tinge of sorrow whenever he mentions his grandmother is not evident anymore. Instead, there's a silent sincerity in his gaze mixed with something else. And for some strange reason, your heart starts thumping hard.

This guy really has the most profound effect on you.

"So, since we're free for the whole week, what would you want to do?" He grins.

"A whole week?" You gasp. "You mean we're not opening for an entire week? Who... Wait, why didn't anyone..."

He quickly shushes you. "Don't worry, the website is already updated and I'll be hanging the signboard at the door later on."

You stare at him, dumbfounded.

This guy is certainly up to something.

"Now you haven't answered my question, what would you do and where do you want to go?" His eyes are twinkling.

"Well..." You are still a bit shocked by his announcement. "Maybe visit Youngjae or something, I dunno?"

"Isn't Youngjae going to Busan with his fiancee tomorrow? He won't be back in a week."

"Ah, that's right." You smack your forehead and Kyungsoo sniggers.

"So, what else?" He urges.

"To be honest, I'm not really sure..."

It's been such a long time since you've last had a vacation, so you haven't given it much thought. And you know Kyungsoo is probably more overworked than you, since he's put it upon himself to carry on the responsibilities of the entire bakery business. Although you've been helping him, he's had more experience and major decisions are still made by him.

"I remember you saying that you're envious of Baekhyun and Chanyeol going to Europe so often?" He prompts.

Ah, that's right.

The two have been bringing back so many gifts you wonder whether he's there for a vacation or work trip. Baekhyun said it's both. Ever since the ES Entertainment shady business was exposed, their scandal died down. Baekhyun's popularity grew even more after that.

ES Entertainment, on the other hand, was forced to shut and the heiress, together with her accomplices, were charged and trials recently ended with them serving their sentences behind bars. Jongdae, apparently, didn't know about the dealings and was only given a fine. Hyemi left him during the hearings for a rich boss in China.

You also heard that Kwanghee was booted out of his company because he failed to bring back the scoop as promised, especially since it was Kabloid who got it. Kris told you he made sure no other agencies would hire him. Knowing your ex-boss's connections, you are sure he meant it.

"Aren't they in Paris right now?" You remember Baekhyun telling you about it a week ago when they were over for dinner.

The duo drops by every now and then with the singer reminding you both "you guys owe us meals for a lifetime man" (You finally found out the truth about the Pororo pyjamas and special gift).

"Would you like to go?"

"What? With them?" You think of the loud and exuberant pair. "Not exactly the best companions if we want a quiet time I guess."

"Not with them," Kyungsoo laughs. "Just the two of us."

Again, there's something in his gaze you can't quite place at the moment.

"Erm, sure... But we'll need to do some planning won't we?" You furrow your brows in thoughtfulness.

"Maybe." He shrugs. "But before that, I have a little something for you. Wait here."

He slips off into the kitchen and you are about to follow when he shouts back, "Wait a minute!"

You obey and opts to sit down on one of the cafe's chairs instead.

When he emerges after a few seconds, there's two pastel colored cupcakes in his hands.

"What's that?" You point to the silver decorations on top of the cupcakes.

Kyungsoo only smiles and places them in front of you on the table.

Upon closer inspection, you realize they are silver rings ornaments.

"Wedding rings? Is this a new creation for some customer or something?" You ask and Kyungsoo gives a casual shrug.

"Just thought it'd look nice. These are for you. One of the rings are real. If you choose the correct one, the ring will be yours to keep." There's a cheeky look on his face right now.

"Why a ring though?" You ask, feeling a bit skeptical.

"Just choose, or are you not confident you'll be able to tell the correct one?" He raises a brow.

If there's one thing that hasn't change from your early days, it's your sense of competitiveness.

"Of course I'll be able to get the right one, just watch."

You scrutinize the two rings closely as Kyungsoo snickers.

Both of them have a tiny diamond etched into the twined silver band. Same size, same design. To be honest, they look exactly the same.


"Well?" There's a hint of amusement in his voice and you glare at him.

"Don't interrupt me, I'll get it for sure, you'll see." You pick up both rings from the cupcakes, a little frosting smeared on them and studies them under the light.

The difference is imperceptible.

Is he trolling you?

You stare at him. He's still smiling.

"Got it? If you don't, you'll have to promise me something."

"Wait." You tsk under your breath and inspects them again.

They really look the same.

"They look the same." You declare.

"Are they?" He chuckles.

"Yes, are you trolling me?" You demand.

This time, Kyungsoo lets out a full fledged laugh, his eyes squeezing into crescent moons. That's your favorite smile, and you find yourself unable to get mad at him.

"That means you've got to promise me something. Wait a second." He raises a finger and you watch as he gets up from the chair and moves towards the counter.

There's an old-fashioned radio he has placed at the counter top for decoration purposes and he's now switching it on.

"Are you sure that's even working?"

"We'll see..." His back is turned to you, and you can only see his hand fiddling with the knob as he searches for a channel.

There's the familiar white noise and short blasts of music and voices before he reaches the desired station. It's Soul FM, his old radio station.

"What are you doing?" By this time, you are really sure he's up to something.

Kyungsoo turns around and smile. You are going to ask again when suddenly you hear the on air deejay announcing something.

"And so, today, we have a special request in from our ex-colleague. Kyungsoo ssi, are you ready?"

At this point, Kyungsoo draws his phone out from his pocket and answers, "Yeah."

You are dumbfounded, not in the least aware of what's going on.

"Take over, bro. You know what to do." The deejay encourages.

Kyungsoo flashes you a huge grin.


Putting the phone on speaker mode, he walks towards you deliberately.

Your heart rate is speeding up, yet you don't know what is happening.

Before long, he's only a mere step away from you.

"Gaeun ah, I know we're already married, but I've never really done this properly. I would have waited until our anniversary to do so, but that would have killed the surprise a little. So I'm doing it today, October 10th, the day you called me for the first time..."

He takes out a small box from his other pocket.

"Both rings on the cupcakes are fake. The real one is here..." He flicks the box open. Indeed, there's a pretty silver ring inside, almost exactly the same design as on the cupcakes. "And you've got to promise me something..."

With that, he kneels down on one knee and you gasp.


"Choi Gaeun ssi..." He holds up the ring, gaze tender as they lock with yours. "Will you marry me?"

You've always thought that the female leads in dramas are downright corny when they look so surprised and teary with marriage proposals, but now that it's happening to you, you find yourself struck with the same bewilderment, hands clasped over your mouth.

And yes, you are crying.

There's a moment of silence and you can tell his colleague is panicking because he's suddenly speaking up.

"Gaeun ssi, you'll have to respond to our Kyungie!"

You jolt from your state of shock and nods first before you are able to utter the word.


"Sorry, what was that, we can't hear you!" His colleague teases as Kyungsoo is breaking into the most dazzling smile.

"I said yes!" You let out a sniffled laugh as Kyungsoo stands and envelops you in a hug.

There's cheering coming from the other end and suddenly a familiar song starts playing.

It's "Something Special".

"Thank you." He whispers into your ear.

"You're so cheesy." You punch him lightly in the chest, but despite of that, you are smiling.

"You do remember you are married to an ex-deejay? When something special happens, we broadcast to the whole world." He leans in and plants a kiss on your lips. It's funny no matter how many times he does that, it still feels like the very first time.

"You're something special to me, you know?"

You stare at him, feeling your heart fill up full.

When he kisses you again, his grandmother's words ring true to him.

She was right.

You're his 10th date.

And it's a perfect 10/10.

kyungsoo fanfic, dj got me falling in love, exo fanfic

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