-- Name: cathlynn allen
-- Birthdate: september 11
-- Birthplace: houston, tx
-- Current Location: memphis, tn
-- Eye Color: green
-- Hair Color: brownish-reddish
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: virgo
-- Innie or Outtie: innie
// series two - describe
-- Your heritage: french, irish, scottish
-- The shoes you wore today: pale blue flip flops
-- Your hair: is all soft and it smells good
-- Your eyes: not as red as they have been in recent days
-- Your weakness: lemongrass tofu, skinny boys with nice hair, boys who mosh well
-- Your fears: that i'll continue to be lonely i guess
-- Your perfect pizza: feta and artichoke hearts
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: make good music, maybe put out a couple of records
// series three - what is
-- Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: "yeah" or "like whoa"
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: all at once: hair, eyes, posture (posture says a lot)
-- The best Name for a Butler: broham
-- Your best physical features: i don't want to seem conceited..you tell me..
-- Your bedtime: anywhere from 11-2
-- Your greatest accomplishment: thus far? getting into my top choice college i suppose..or getting jerry to propose to me..that was kinda sweet
-- Your most missed memory: being a little girl in texas, before my parents divorced
// series four - you perfer
-- Pepsi or coke: dr pepper fool
-- McDonald's or Burger King: burger king...awesome fries and veggie burgers
-- Single or group dates: for the first date..i usually prefer single..i don't really like group "dates" per se
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton southern style..aww naw
-- Cappucino or coffee: iced mocha from otherlands..yumm
-- Boxers or briefs: spiderman underoos
// series five - do you
-- Cuss: it's as common as "and", "it" and "the" nowadays
-- Sing well: that's what they tell me
-- Take a shower everyday: not everyday..sometimes i don't have time..
-- Do you think you've been in love: yeah..it was selfish love so i couldn't call it true love..but it was definitely love..live and learn i suppose
-- Want to go to college: definitely
-- Like high school: i hate it..i'm so ready to be gone. 30something more days.
-- Want to get married: to jeremiah
-- Believe in yourself: yep, most of the time
-- Get motion sickness: not until i rode with jason to birmingham
-- Think you're attractive: i've never really thought about it. i'm certainly not unattractive..again..don't want to sound conceited..
-- Get along with your parents: i try really hard
-- Like thunderstorms: yes indeed
-- Play an instrument: bass, piano. play them well? nah brah.
// series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- Drank alcohol: xxx
-- Smoke(d): xxx
-- Done a drug: xxx
-- Have Sex: xxx
-- Made Out: i don't think so
-- Go on a date: no, but i've got a hot one with jess this weekend
-- Go to the mall: mm hmm
-- Eaten sushi: yumm..yes
-- Been on stage: on a theatre stage
-- Been dumped: no one to dump me
-- Been in love: no but i've been in MAJOR like
-- Gone skinny dipping: way too cold...my pool looks lonely..as soon as it's warmer..off come the skivies!
// series seven - have you ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: nah, i'm no good at poker so i pick my battles..if it were go fish though that shizzle would be ON
-- Been called a tease: yes, but i maintain that it's a total lie.
-- Gotten beaten: only in halo
-- Shoplifted: yes indeed
-- Changed who you were to fit in: never
{x} Current Clothes: jeans, richland elementary shirt
{x} Current Hair: soft and fluffy
{x} Current Annoyance: this feeling in my tummy..kinda like butterflies but not the good ones
{x} Current thing you ought to be doing: moshing
{x} Current Desktop Picture: adam hite at still standing fest
{x} Current Favorite Groups: let's just call this "current thing in your car": shai hulud
{x} Current DVD In Player: the awful truth
{x} Current Worry: that school is going to continue to suck
{x} Current Crush: see..i can't tell you that...
-- Name: cathlynn allen
-- Birthdate: september 11
-- Birthplace: houston, tx
-- Current Location: indianapolis, in
-- Eye Color: green
-- Hair Color: black
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: virgo
-- Innie or Outtie: innie
// series two - describe
-- Your heritage: french, irish, scottish
-- The shoes you wore today: pointy toed black flats
-- Your hair: needs to be cut
-- Your eyes: are tired
-- Your weakness: his innocence, feigned or not
-- Your fears:that i will not reach the goals i set for myself because of my own laziness
-- Your perfect pizza: bbq sauce, fontina and mushrooms
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: to be in grad school before my car insurance goes down
// series three - what is
-- Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: "hahahaha"
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hair, eyes, build
-- The best Name for a Butler: esteban
-- Your best physical features: wrists, boobs, nose
-- Your bedtime: is not constant
-- Your greatest accomplishment: thus far? moving to indy
-- Your most missed memory: i concentrate too much on creating new ones
// series four - you perfer
-- Pepsi or coke: diet wild cherry pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: fast food is disgusting
-- Single or group dates: i woud just like to be taken on a date. i'm not picky, ya'll.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
-- Cappucino or coffee: coffee
-- Boxers or briefs: neither. extraneous packaging is not appreciated.
// series five - do you
-- Cuss: entirely too much
-- Sing well: not at all
-- Take a shower everyday: without fail.
-- Do you think you've been in love: unfortunately.
-- Like high school: high school was so easy and fucking sweet. i was a crybaby.
-- Want to get married: never.
-- Believe in yourself: depends on the day.
-- Get motion sickness: nope.
-- Think you're attractive: fat and repulsive.
-- Get along with your parents: very much so.
-- Like thunderstorms: i want to live in the rainforest.
-- Play an instrument: the smallest violin in the world.
// series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- Drank alcohol: yes
-- Smoke(d): cock
-- Done a drug: yes
-- Have Sex: yes
-- Made Out: yes
-- Go on a date: they are not "dates" anymore. they're just..fending off boredom.
-- Go to the mall: it is my 2nd place of employment.
-- Eaten sushi: fortunately.
-- Been on stage: no
-- Been dumped: still waiting for it.
-- Been in love: unfortunately.
-- Gone skinny dipping: good heavens no.
// series seven - have you ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yes
-- Been called a tease: yes, and it's absolutely true.
-- Gotten beaten: by life.
-- Shoplifted: not worth it anymore.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: still to this day, never. probably would've benefitted me more than a few times.
{x} Current Clothes: underwear and green polka dot tank top
{x} Current Hair: still needs to be cut.
{x} Current Annoyance: insomnia
{x} Current thing you ought to be doing: sleeping
{x} Current Desktop Picture: a bunch of emaciated models reenacting "the last supper"
{x} Current Favorite Groups: capsule, 400 blows, vivaldi, sage francis
{x} Current DVD In Player: ROBOCOP
{x} Current Worry: that i will not do the things i have told myself must happen in my life.
{x} Current Crush: those do not occur with as much frequency as they used to. i attribute this to the death of my naivete.