HAHA, most of the action in the movie was just lies!! Lies!! But since it's Mr. Ford, anything goes.
All in all, it was an alright flick, but it was plain hilarious because the story was freakin ridiculous (both in a good way, and in a wtf!? way). I think, though, my primary objection with the whole flick was pretty much..........ALIENS. LIKE, E.T. GO HOME, YO. When the whole thingy and the end just started spinning - yeah, I knew it was a freakin' space ship.
Hmm...it's hard to clarify what it was about that movie that failed to turn me into a babbling fangurl, maybe it's because all it really seemed to me was that they were running around and then...cool ass action...and then cool mechanisms from ooooold cobwebby tombs~!
Though what I did love~! Was firstly, the Jones and Mutt interaction (mmhmm), very awesome relfections on the great Sean Connery, and restaurant clique fights (bloody hilarious, I just laughed - only the Sis knows how loud). So basically, the Shia - the badass Transformer protected teen - is now officially the son of the Great Captain of the Millennium Falcon and grandson of a 007. Dat's crazy shit right there. Lots of jokes to be had with my geeky Bro.
And Cate Blanchett? I cannot look at her anymore without thinking of
etenraku, plus, her wanting knowledge blah blah blah? She, thinking she's so smart, should know that the very, very limited human mind cannot contain such a thing. Tsk tsk...basic knowledge yo.
And then the good Dr. Jones went and said "I have a bad feeling about this" and I now realise that I will never, ever get sick of hearing it, whether or not it's Han saying it...though Harrison Ford could very well BE Han, so yeah, it counts no matter what.
Yey ^^