Feb 26, 2008 09:58
After a nice week away, I was home last night feeding horses.
Well the part I left out is the fire department decided last night was the right night to burn down the old trailer across the street. They also did not tell me this was to happen. With The wife at musical rehursal, I got the boy fed, and went to feed critters. The horses we a little curious why 3 fire trucks were hanging around across the street with lots of lights. Still no big deal. I Pulled the new horse up front to feed and did not notice they had lit the back corner of the trailer. But the time I dished up the others food, the thing was ablaze! realy cool to see, but some horses got really freaked out! I opened the gate to bring in the girls , 2 went right to their food like it was nothing, 2 got really upset. Finally I got all locked in place and that still did not please some. The boys out side ate in the fire light, but the new horse up front was getting very upset about the fire. . Long stoy short, I fed all the horses way up on the hill away from the bright fire light. When Wife got home.. she went over and adressed the fire chief and asked why we were never informed about the burn because we would have fed earlier, and perhaps opened up the back pasture to help the horses chill.
Over all, lots of lessons learned, fortunatly ,no injuries or vet bills....