Jan 30, 2008 10:19
I like what I do... If I could set up a web cam.. I could provide youtube with tones of great footage.
This time fate kicked some one else but me.
Our district likes all teachers on a topic to be with in a few days of each other. This is a great idea. For example In Earth Science we cover measurement, then maps, space , energy, weather, errosion, rocks, then geologica time.
Well one of my students needs special ed support, and there is one teacher who does not care what the district wants and is teaching Earth Science in the sequence he wants. Well that would be great if he were not teaching the only special ed blended class. So no one wanted to make him fall in line and He refused. to do it himself..... well the state is very protective of classified students... so some one has been caught in blanten disregard of the superintendnts mandate... and it is NOT me...
Gee, the same guy who snubs the rest of the department is now scrambeling asking us for help ...now..
Dude , you jumped from the airplane, not my fault you left the parachute behind.......