Mar 05, 2005 12:53
OK... ive done enough of the whole crying shit. Ive decided that now im just gonna live my life and im not gonna give a shit what anyone thinks! Hey... i think that should become everyones new motto lol! well for some fun or if ur bored...
Copy and paste, then try and do it! It is surprisingly hard! Forward it to your friends and also to the person who sent it to you. IN ONE TRY type your name with your..
Fingers: stephanie
Chin: xsgtelp;hnaan ied... sorry i dont have a pointy chin lol
One finger with eyes closed: stephanie
Cheek: dsd4asztse... i give up
Elbow: stephszanie
Palm: stephnanire (hint: do it with the part closest to ur wrist)
Back of hand: s6 64-phanie
Tongue: stephaive (yum... tastes like chicken)
nose: ste3-hyqni3 (i dont have a pointy nose... u go crosseyed after this shit)
<3 steph