2012 is here! (Part II)

Jan 05, 2012 02:43

Continuing to ramble.

Royal Wedding
Britian's Prince William was married to Catherine Middleton in April 2011. Caught wide TV attention. I was on the road, so missed most of it when it aired, so I listened to some of it on the radio.

Reading BACCANO + TV
I can't remember. I may have finished reading "The Rolling Bootlegs" in either 2010 or the the beginning of 2011. I expressed my opinions on it in an entry tagged "BACCANO". It should be simple to find. Also, I think last year, I read and finished Gundam Sentinel? Back to the subject, BACCANO was fun. I realized that crime organizations, reading about them anyways, appeal to me. Mostly their history; why was there so much trouble in the early 1900s, the wars, why did they perform such actions for business, etc. See what power does to you? In BACCANO, the Martillo seemed pretty nice though. Gandors and Genoards...not much so.

I can't remember what channel it was, maybe the "Biography Channel", but I watched like a single episode of a documentary about girls with gangsters. Was it called "My husband's a mobster"? I can't remember, but it had an AWFUL narrator IMO.

I didn't pay attention to it at first, but after some coaxing from deathlike, tokio-fujita's journal material, and some of the games' beautiful art, I guess I looked into it more. Wish I could play one of the games. First game is coming to America in February but I don't have a DS. Since I can't get into the games, I watched and completed the TV series. "Fangirls be crazy" (especially during season 2).

Sonic's Birthday
Last year, Sonic celebrated its 20th birthday! I talk about Sonic's influence in entries titled "Sonic Memories". So far, I only talked about the 2-D games. After the Sega Genesis/Megadrive games were discontinued, my Sonic gaming would die down a bit. When I got the Gamecube (mid or late 2000s?), I had a chance to play Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, and Riders. I'll try to talk about that too.

Since I heard so much about it, I tried out MOTHER 3. Crazy and cute. And I cried from a game after a long time. My thoughts are here.

I thought I joined in 2011, but it turned out I joined Nov 2010. I've been getting addicted. I tweet about aimless things and it's even worse if I am watching something. And I can't get through a day without seeing Justin Beiber, Selena Gomez, Jonas, One Direction, can I? Worldwide trends? o-O WHO is on twitter?

To my shock, after complaining about it a few times (lol), K-sensei registered to Twitter. She is also a gamer, which is also a real shocker, and purchased the latest Monster Hunter for 3DS. She recently met Lagiacrus and got scared (lol). "I don't want to see him ;_;".

In general, I think this tv trope suit her the most: Adorkable. Maybe Butt Monkey too? Is that the right one? When it comes to technology and gaming Smartphone and dragon's butt monkey. You just wanna..TEASE HER! and I do try sometimes. "What do I doooo?!" She's pretty polite, seems to love socializing.

You know? It's really interesting to see how similar people are to yourself. Seriously, wow, K-sensei!

* Likes cars (or F1?) = CHECK
* "Tech-tarded"/Tech-challenged = CHECK (lol)
* Likes animals = Check (Well, I'm mostly a dog person than a cat person)
* Wears glasses = CHECK
* Likes the sky (or clouds?)/flying = check

Hmm, what else? That sticks out of my mind the most. She's slightly like Tsunade too (lol), drinks beer and plays the lottery (lol).

Kim Jong-il (and TruTv)
The former leader of North Korea, Kim Jon-Il, has passed away and there's trouble about succession. But I can't help but mention this funny thing from Twitter. I've been watching TruTv lately, and there's a twitter account for the show "Worlds Dumbest" that twit articles about people doing dumb so. SO, when Jong-Il died, WD tweets that people THOUGHT that rapper "Lil' Kim" died. So I replied, "He kinda does have a rapper's name".

Last is the following:
Music and Comedy Life: Amy Winehouse, Roger Williams, Patrice O'Neal
Ten years later: 9-11

Not sure where to start. Maybe I should end it.
I'll do another meme later (Thursday)

twitter, tv/radio, books/comics, baccano, sonic, gundam, vehicles and sports, comedy, fun, katsuki masako (勝生真沙子), doggie's world, games, 2011, 2012, birthday

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