so... i went to the doctor! my blood pressure is perfecto. they are testing my thyroid, and i'm getting an EKG tomorrow. exciting! i've sufficiently terrified my family (not exciting) because my mom is the sort to expect the worst. she and my dad are going to my aunt's summer house in the VT countryside for the weekend, celebrating dad's 50th. now she seems to feel bad about leaving. not at all what i want for her...
and my blood went into a tube.......... and we found a tick on my foot while we were waiting to go to the lab, and i had like 3 different nurses like OH NOES GIT ALKYHOL GIT TWEEZRZ so that was funny. the discovery was funny too, i was sitting on a bench lifting my feet up and was like oh mom! i love my moccassins! i went for a walk in the woods today and they are my favorite shoes evar! look how awesome they are! o wuts dat teeny black thing? iz stray pixel? ticks are so evil looking. we kinda shredded its body and then it just fell out on its own... it had only been chewin me for a few hours so i don't think it was like super-attached. PLEASE DONT LET ME GET LYME DISEASE.
then i sat around. cuz... i'm lame. lost some steam, having irregular female problems (diediedie) which ruins my day and makes me drive like a maniac, i've noticed. my acne woooon't gooooo awayyyyy... and i have no inspiration to draw. i stare at the paper anddddddd what. nothin. i felt sort of mournful looking at all my highschool sketches, and freshman year of college too, because i just produced like crazy. drew on every scrap of paper, every notebook margin, i was insane! now i actually -pride- myself on my doodle-free note pages and the sketchbook i've tried to maintain this summer just has to-do lists and a few boring animal doodles, and my alien wolf.
i'm reading a wonderful book on Mondrian's earlier work... his trees! i love drawing trees so seeing someone else do it with great beauty always makes me feel joy. i think watching his transition from realism to abstraction is fascinating--- and i think its an important model to show to non-artists or to strictly observational artists. my painting teacher described it as "like seeing the history of art laid out"...
what did i read about todayyyyyyyyy? the ionosphere, country-wide mind control, nuclear weapons, and the mark of the beast thing. and heart arrhythmia! and.... peter doig <3