Round One: Results

Jan 08, 2015 22:32

Important: This is the edited version as I double checked results and results changed. Apologies. I shouldn't attempt to do math while tired lol

Round One has come to completion.

As mentioned earler, we have had to say goodbye to Elena.  Fortunately for all remaining players this means that there is no elimination this round.  Congratulations to you all for making it through to round two!

I still reviewed your answers and converted all prices into US dollars.    Although you are all going into the next round, there is still an advantage to being the winner.

The winner of Season Two, Round One is...

(scroll down)




Congratulations Carol, you are the first winner from Season Two!   Spending only $356.92.

To collect your reward
, please click on this link and choose a door.  Behind each door is a reward
, but which one you get is up to luck.

All the comments on the original post have been unscreened in case anyone is interested.
This is a link to the website used to help convert prices, and I double checked my calculations as i went.  Although human error is always a risk, I did my best to avoid it.  If you are concerned that your answers added to less than $356.92, feel free to contact me.

The next challenge will be posted 21:00 AEDT (Handy link to world clock to help convert to your personal time zone if you are interested - CLICK HERE).   You are not required to be online at the time of the challenge being posted.  The challenge will again be a maximum time of a week.  Be aware that in the case of a draw in the next challenge, the player who gave their answers first will have the advantage.

player - gobbolina, season two, player - serendipitou5, player - dreamwriteremmy, s2r1, player - kandydevil, challenge - bargain hunter, player - itsjustc, player - piluncraeshgt, host - halo_of_thorns

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