He preferd the harsh truth to the dearest illusions

Oct 02, 2004 20:40

Oi kiddies!
sheck it:
"If faithful account was rendered of man's ideas upon Divinity, he would be obliged to acknowledge, that for the most part the word "gods" has been used to express the concealed, remote, unkown causes of the effects he witnessed; that he applies this term when the spring of the natural, the source of thread of these causes, or as soon as his mind can no longer follow the chain, he solves the difficulty, terminates his research, by ascribing it to his gods... When, therefore, he ascribes to his gods the production of some phenomenon... Does he, in fact, do any thing more than substitute for the darkness of his own mind, a sound to which he has been accustomed to listen with reverential awe?"
-Paul Heinrich Dietrich, Baron von Holback, Systeme de la nature, London, 1770

I though that perhaps that might induce a "hmmm"...? Obviously about religion and creation...but it can also lead into other things if your talking and discussing with another person. I wouldn't know. :| the entire world is at Fall Ball. Not me. I kind wish that my Mom and Dad went to the Fall Ball too, so I can have the city to myself. Nothin but me and the tumble weeds...chillin.
....... while thundering in the distance is social distortion.
I dont know why I just didn't say social distortion is thundering in the distance.
please no comments regarding FallBall.
I will chop off your head.

My brother is here. Whenever he's here the atmosphere of my house spoils. Usually his life has taken a really big fall. Usually he could of avoided it, usually its his fault and he argues with my mom after he feeds his daughter, eats my last frozen pizza, knocks down the shampoo rack in my bathroom, but im not gonna complain. The last time we spoke was christmas. And he wanted me to join his bussiness. We smoked some good weed and drove around. I tried it out. I made 80$ for him selling blow. I don't like it. I dont like the type of people you have to talk to, to get rid of it. I dont touch the stuff so I'd like to stay away. He's a perfect example of the long term effects. Enough to freak me out, and keep me from touching it. However, today... drugs brought us back together. He's carrying quite a load of grass on him. He's being generous. For those of you who dont know, drugs are the gateway to fun...and flat laugh lines. Brings families together, and it even drops money for those who crawl on the ground. I try not to pitty him. It wont bring him to his feet if we play give sympathy. There's nothing I can do. All that can be done I wont do. But I will go outside, listen to what he'll say this time...maybe i'll even offer some suggestions if he's not gonna be so pessimistic. We'll Light some grass and absorb the universe above during a fallen silence. Then its off to my world, he's off to his. welcome back to reality, resume the position. woosh *crack........woosh *crack.........woosh *snap.

time to step out
ta ta
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