Aug 17, 2010 02:42
Given that there's no chance of him mentioning it himself, I'd like to publicly wish Rosemariné the happiest of birthdays. Although I know that not everybody knows him well, he's an accomplished man who has been a precious person to me for years, and I'm sure that he'll do even more amazing things now that he's of age.
I should also mention that Natalia Alfroskaya and I recently began dating. And before any of you ask, it has nothing to do with engagement, nor is it a birthday gift for anybody.
[ooc: Natalia will be threadjacking everywhere! o/]
rosemarine does not have a nice ass,
~ rosemariné,
~ juliet,
likes vagina too,
oui oui,
oh jules,
~ tamaki,
~ hokuto,
~ shin,
~ katya,
~ coraline,
~ ivan,
~ mitsuki,
happy birthday have some heartbreak,
~ beatrix,
~ wolfram,
no homo bro,
~ natalia