The term 'safe sex' came to be used extensively following the discovery of the HIV virus in the early 1980s. People started talking about sex with condom more often and healthcare agencies around the world began campaigning to raise awareness among the masses regarding sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like
genital herpes, gonorrhea and chlamydia. Herpes treatment in particular gained momentum during the 1990s, when valacyclovir was introduced to the market under the brand name Valtrex. This medicine can shorten a herpes outbreak and can also help prevent herpes transmission between sexually active adults.
Despite the increasing popularity of herpes medications, experts have always warned people about the potential
cheap cialis risks associated with any kind of sexual intimacy. No sex is 100% sex, regardless of whether or not you use condoms or other barrier methods. All you can ensure is 'protected' sex to reduce the risk of getting infected with STDs. As for herpes, sex is not advisable when you are suffering from an active outbreak. This is because the virus that causes this STD can be transmitted from you to your partner through kissing, touching or vaginal intercourse. And when the virus is latent in your body, it may still be possible for it to get transmitted to your partner through sexual activities.
To prevent herpes transmission it is important for you to understand the nature of the herpes simplex virus. This virus can enter your body through small openings in your skin or mucous membranes. The worst part is that once it enters your body, it stays there for the rest f your life. So 'no-sex during an active outbreak' is not the only slogan for prevention of herpes. 'Safe sex always' is what you should put to practice every time you want to get intimate with your partner.