10 Ways You Can Tell ...

Nov 30, 2007 04:11

Gakked from the alway amusing Big_Pink ...

10 Ways You Can Tell Dodger_Winslow Wrote This Fic:

Huh. Let's see. Well, I'm not sure these are true of absolutely EVERYTHING I write, but they certainly would be overwhelming trends in the vast majority of it ...

1) THERE WILL BE PROFANITY. Lots of it, creatively used. That's kind of my Prime Directive, in writing and in life.

2) Star Trek jokes. And usually Batman ones, too. And occasionally Brazil jokes. I have no idea why Brazil, but that's probably what makes it funny to me. And because imagining the line "South A-fucking-merica" in Jeffrey Dean's voice always makes me laugh. I'm laughing right now in fact. Trust me on this.

3) You will eventually end up inside John's head. And that's an awesome place to be. Dark though. And kinda tortured. And always scary. But awesome.

4) John's gonna be the GOOD GUY. He's also probably going to be an asshole. And probably say something utterly indefensible to one of his sons at least once. And then beat himself up over it with the big stick of Mary's memory. But in the end, he'll still inarguably be the good guy. Oh yeah ... and he's gonna tell at least one of his sons that he loves them or is proud of them. Sometimes both. And yes, I meant to be nonspecific about which precident the "both" refers to. I do that, too.

5) No one's gonna walk off a broken leg. Or shake off a skull fracture. Or take a bullet to the gut and still win the fist fight. Or fall three stories onto concrete and get up and walk away. Unless they're possessed of course. Then it could happen.

6) No one will ever "cause" anyone to do anything. 'Cause, you know, that makes me a little freaking NUTS when writers use that particular weak-ass word as an action verb. And Dean will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER be refered to as "the eldest." I don't know why that bugs me so much, but it does.

7) Monsters will make sense. They will have reasons for doing what they do (reasons more profound than "because I typed it that way"). They will have motivations and rules of psychology and physiology. And they will obey those rules, even if it is inconvenient as hell for them to do so. In other words: they won't be death omens who appear to people who don't die. And there will be no magic, dammit. Or Hobbits.

8) No Winchester will have sex with another Winchester. Except John with Mary, of course. That might happen. More than once, even.

9) You'll get at least one specific military reference. And usually several hundred of them. Many of them slang. And a lot of them profane.

10) Men will be men. Period. No exceptions. A man acts like a littel girl, he gets a sex change operation right there on the laptop. No anesthesia. And we will snark about him profanely while he whines like a little bitch about it. Often by using military references.

11) And just because I always like giving a little bit more than people expect, here's one to grow on: Original character will occur, but don't get too attached to them. Because if it's an original character, it's probably there to have something happen to it that I can't do to one of the Winchesters. Like get itself killed. Or end up already being dead before the story ever started in the first place. Or acting like a girl and getting a sex change operation right there on the laptop without anesthesia ...

Oh, and just because you know it's gonna happen: I will use the word "loose" when I mean "lose." I have no freakin idea why, but I will. I think it's a genetic thing. And only God knows how I will end up spelling occasionally, because I sure as fuck don't. Whichever way I spell it, my spellcheck always bitches at me, so I just add "C"s and "S"s and "L"s willy nilly depending on my mood at the moment.

Those are the ones I came up with. I'm sure I could have come up with a few more ... I'm a little OCD about things, so I tend to be very consistent on the things I do. If y'all have specific ones you've noticed that I didn't mention, feel free to chime in. I often find I'm doing things repetatively that I didn't realize I was. Again, I'll blame it on the OCD ...

ETA: Oh yeah ... and you'll notice the final number of chapters and the word count changing a LOT. Cause I always underestimate how many words it is going to take me to say what I want to say. And I'll use at least one sensory switch-up, and often many, many of them ... have something taste yellow, or smell profane, or look strident or something like that. And there will be semicolons. Lots and lots of semicolons. And colons, too. I like vertical dots, I guess. And if there's a list anywhere in the fic? I'll keep adding things to the list as I remember them until 10 Ways You Know Dodger_Winslow Wrote This Fic becomes 10 Ways You Know Dodger_Winslow Wrote This Fic, Plus 8 More She Remembered After She Hit Post. And I'll probably blame those last 8 on OCD.


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