I've had 3 or 4 ideas concerning Dean and Papa whirling around inside my head every since Devil's Trap aired, and I have yet to find a productive way to let them out. This is one of those ideas, but I'm not sure this is the right way to put it to fiction.
Because I'm not getting much of anywhere just letting them clank against each other inside my skull, however, I thought I'd go ahead and post this and see whether it floats. I suspect this might be a small piece of something much bigger, but I'm not sure. I'm looking for suggestions and/or ideas ... anybody got any they care to offer? Barring that, I'm looking for some critical feedback: Is this working as is, or does it need something more to make it a little more tangible as a fully-articulated idea rather than just one of those fragmentary thoughts you have in passing?
If you have thoughts, please share them.
Title: Slaying Dragons
Rating: Gen
Spoilers: Devil's Trap
Disclaimers: I don't own the boys, I'm just stalking them for a while.
Summary: There's a special kind of hell reserved for men who let their children down.
Slaying Dragons
There's a special kind of hell reserved for men who let their children down.
It’s not the kind where fire and brimstone burn your bones to ashes for eternity. It’s not the kind where you push a rock up a mountain every day only to have it roll down again just as you think you’ve made it. It’s not even the kind where some mythical giant vulture dines on your entrails while you lie there and watch him dipping in and out of your gut for the passing of all time.
It’s worse than all of those. It’s the kind of hell where you listen to your son beg you not to kill him.
When he was three, he believed that you could slay dragons. He never grew out of that. He still believes. And because he does, sometimes you can.
But even a man who slays dragons can’t de-possess himself of a demon in the name of nothing more than love.
Simple love.
And therein lies the rub. Because he believes you can. You can see it in his eyes when he begs. He believes you can do it -- he believes you will do it -- because he’s never learned the difference between dragons and demons, just as he’s never learned the difference between the man he believes his father to be and the man his father never was.
And that’s your own special kind of hell. The one this demon has reserved just for you.
For all these years, you’ve thought hell was watching Mary burn on the ceiling of little Sammy’s nursery. But you were wrong. Hell is looking into Dean’s eyes and seeing him believe.
Believe in you.
And knowing that no matter how hard he believes, the dragon always wins.