Since it is Friday the 13th, I thought we could talk about movies that scare me. Like really scare me. Because some movies are a little suspenseful or have some good jump-fright moments, but finding a movie that actually settles inside me for awhile is hard to do.
6 Movies that scared me. )
I also could not get into The Blair Witch really and it was because of the filming style for me as well. It jarred me out of the moment, I think. Which is why I was so surprised later when I got freaked out that night - it was just a weird combination of going right from the movie to the rock garden in my mom's yard to a pitch black street outside of work.
I have seen Halloween (love this! It is such a classic horror film and they just don't make them anymore) and Friday the 13th but I can never watch Nightmare. I have this terrible fear about getting stuck in my nightmares - anything about dreams and horror is just a no-go for me. I actually almost talked about that in this post because I distinctly remember some Dennis Quaid movie where he gets stuck in his own nightmare that I watched when I was like 10 and the concept of it freaked me out so hard. Probably because I used to have screaming nightmares as a kid, the thought of getting stuck in one was too much.
Mostly I don't find horror movies scary either. I think it is hard to scare those of us who grew up on scary movies the way we did.
So, what gets your adreline pumping more - a classic scary movie like Halloween or a classic natural disaster movie like Twister? (because I know you like the natural disaster movies!).
I also think horror films with serial killers can be scarier because it could happen. Although as a kid childs play did give me a thing about dolls, the film didn't scare me, but like with you and blair witch, it was after that it effected me, not during the film.
I get how you feel about the dream thing, because I get bad nightmares and I would hate to be stuck in mine. When I told a friend that Jhonny depp was in the first film they didn't believe me, so I showed them his most memorable scene and they hated me for it lol
Tell me what you think of the resident when you get around to it. I think it has some old school film aspects. I've only seen it once though, I should watch again, you always seem to take in more the second time around.
I think natural disaster movies get me going more too - something about them just hits a spot inside me of fear that I can't control. I don't think I have a specific thing I like more in horror - serial killers or supernatural - as long it is suspenseful and more 'thriller' than 'gore'. I think the supernatural stuff gets to me just as much as the serial killers because I totally believe in ghosts and stuff like that. Zombies are something that I love and am fascinated by because I think they represent something deeper in us. But I think the thing about "28 Days Later" that got to me so hard is that isn't zombies - they are just people infected with a biological weapon that basically mimics extreme rabies without killing the host. And that, biological type thing, that seems so realistic to me.
I think we've talked about Child's Play before!! And how much it scared you. I think I told you about my older brother hanging my doll from the ceiling to scare my sister after she watched Child's Play.
I have seen Johnny Depp's scene in Nightmare and that was enough of that movie for me!
We are going on vacation for a weekend soon - maybe I can convince the girls we should watch the scary JDM movie while we are out at the cabin in the woods. heehee
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