Friday The 13th.

Jul 13, 2012 16:20

Since it is Friday the 13th, I thought we could talk about movies that scare me. Like really scare me. Because some movies are a little suspenseful or have some good jump-fright moments, but finding a movie that actually settles inside me for awhile is hard to do.

The Hills Have Eyes (original) - This probably scared me because I was watching it when I was 11. I don't remember being that scared while I was actually watching the movie, but my older brother had a poster of it on his bedroom wall with the guy who is going to eat the baby and every time I went into his bedroom, I had to avert my eyes because just looking at the dude creeped me out. Later, that dude was in an episode of The X-Files and he was actually a good guy - (he is the one who tries to save the little boy who has the crucifix hands) - and even though I logically know he is a good guy in that episode, it is one I tend to skip in my rewatches just because that guy will forever want to eat my baby.

The Exorcist - I honestly wasn't scared while watching it, really. I was living on my own at the time and my friend went to leave after the movie and he was like, "Are you going to be okay?" and I tried to assure him that I wasn't scared. He just laughed and said, "You wait for it." He left, I got ready for bed and then I went to turn the lights off. As soon as it was dark, I became convinced that the possessed little girl was standing right behind me. I was like rooted in spot in the middle of my bedroom, afraid to turn around. I managed to get all the lights back on and got into bed and was just going to sleep with the lights on. Thankfully, when he got home, my friend called his girlfriend - (who I was also friends with) - and told her I might need someone to talk to for awhile. So she called and we talked until I was too tired to be scared anymore.

The Blair Witch Project - I was so not scared during the actual movie. I just couldn't get into the way it was filmed for some reason. But you know how they had those weird rock formation things in it? Well, my mom had a 'rock garden' in our front yard at the time. I was night-time nannying for some people down the street and I had to be at work at like 10 at night, well after dark. My sister took me to see the movie and then we went home and I had to go down the street to work then. I went out to my car and there were all these rocks in the yard and it was kind of spooky. Then I got to my work and the street light in front of their house was out and it was really dark. I went running inside the house and my boss was like, "Are you okay?" and I was all, "No. I just saw The Blair Witch Project and now the outside is scary."

White Noise - I barely remember anything about this movie now. It starred Michael Keaton and he was like hearing voices and seeing things in the static on his TV. Or something. I just remember I saw it at the theater and I actually screamed, like out loud, at one point. So did the girl I was with. She was always more of a wimp about such things but there were actual fingerprint bruises on my arm from where she was holding me so tight. I don't remember ever being that scared at the theater before that.

30 Days of Night - This movie is actually scary as fuck. The vampires are not cuddly in any way. They were very well done and even human-Ben Foster was scary in this. There was a couple in front of us at the theater who left 20 minutes into the movie, during the first 'attack' scene. I just remember being freaked out so hard during the scene where the woman is wandering down the empty street, calling for help and no one will come help her. I think I would have been even more scared if the person next to me (my sister) hadn't been making jokes about Zeke Tyler killing vampires in my ear.

28 Days Later - I think I literally almost pissed myself while watching that movie. I didn't know I could hold my breath for that long, but I just couldn't breath right. This may be the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. It hit all my fear buttons. The scene where they are in the tunnel and the rats are fleeing and they can't get the car going again and...yeah. In 'The Stand', there is this scene where Larry is going through the Jersey Tunnel and it freaked the fuck out of me reading it - (every time I read it actually) - and that scene in 28 Days Later brought that same fear out in me but on a higher level. Now 28 Weeks Later was a good movie but it wasn't nearly as good as the first one because sequels never are and because I was too busy discovering the hotness of Jeremy Renner to be truly scared.

And because it is bad luck to end on an even number, The Walking Dead - The scariest fucking TV show I have ever seen. I don't think there was an episode in the first season where I didn't have to cover my eyes at least once. I have never covered my eyes watching a TV show before. Ever. My sister and I literally screamed out loud several times during the first season as well. I knew I was hooked as soon as I saw the remains of Atlanta.

So, how about you all? Movies that scared you?

ghosts say boo, movie blahblahblahing, vampires suck, scary shit that makes me shit, brainzzzz, the x-files - trust everyone, tv show blahblahblahing, acockalypse, eeeevilll, sister oh sister, the walking dead are coming!, the stand is my apocalypse

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