Ficage In June.

Jul 15, 2012 22:19

My word count for the month of June! I almost came in with my lowest numbers yet this year, but I pushed myself on the last day of the month and went over the edge. I was at 3,100 words on the 30th of June and I sat down to finish the story I had started earlier that week. By the time I went to bed, I had written that story and another story - a total of 2,600 words for the day. I didn't do enough on The BFF's fic this month but I did finally write another piece in the Burrowing 'verse for Harry Potter. I'd been wanting to do that for about four years now. I also completed my first Leverage fic ever! Who would have thought that the first Leverage fic I finished would turn out to be an Eliot-Parker friendship fic? Also, not my first X-Men fic ever, but my first one in the subgenre of 'First Class' was completed this month. All in all, a pretty diverse month, even for me.

Here is my approximate word count for the month.

June, 2012
Week One: 950 words of X-Men: First Class fic. Completed. (already posted!)
Week Two: 1,050 words of Secret Crossover fic.
Week Three: 600 words of Secret Crossover fic.
Week Four: 2,050 words of Wee!Weasley Harry Potter fic. Completed.
1,050 words of Leverage Eliot-Parker fic. Completed.

5,700 words written in June!

On a side note: 41,800 words so far this year!

June, 2010
Not So Bad, After All
My, thus far, one and only Glee fic. Is anybody surprised it is about Puck? Thought not. This is a look at a future for Puck wherein he became a hunter of the supernatural. But somehow he manages to live that life with some normalcy and as he reflects in this story, he got pretty damn lucky. Also, with the addition of one of my favorite original characters to date, Little Noah.

Oil Spills and Poltergeists
The first Comedy Central Real Person fic I ever wrote. I didn't know then that it was an actual fandom out there, but I should have. Rule #34 after all. Little did I know that it would not be the last CCRPF fic I ever wrote. This has Jon/Stephen as talk show hosts by day and supernatural hunters by night. Yes, I was going through a phase of writing SPN-style fic. I have recently been told that I did a good job of capturing the little things that make both of these guys so very them.

The Transmission Of Dynamic Images Via Electromagnetic Signals
CW RPS fic in five various styles; Justified starring JDM, Psych starring Chad and Michael, Glee starring Misha, Mad Men starring, uh...everyone, and Supernatural starring Jensen, Jared & Misha. Also lots of guest stars throughout. This story is like a little tease of things you may want longer versions of after you read it. I had way too much fun writing this one. Also, I put a lot of thought into the titles at the beginning of each section and I amuse myself a lot.

Misha Collins, The Fangirls’ Devil
This is a drabble based on a conversation inspired by the convention video of Misha explaining the concept of slash fiction to Mark Pellegrino. The running theory for this fic was that Misha does that stuff on purpose just to see the ripple effect it has. Mostly this story is funny because Misha is slightly, mostly, kind of eeeeevil - it's why I love him.

When It Comes Down To It
This is a fusion-crossoverish fic with SPN and The 4400. When the giant ball of light is approaching outside Seattle, ala the beginning of The 4400, John is suddenly desperate to reunite with his youngest son. Bobby talks him through it, as always. I loved being able to write John's side of things after Sam goes off to Stanford. Between that and the thinky-thoughts that came about from crossing The 4400 with Supernatural, I kind of love this fic all over again every time I read it. I am not even kidding, after a long conversation of nostalgia about The 4400, I went to bed and dreamed that I was back in school. There, I faked sick so I could go to the nurse's station and write fanfiction. This is the fic I was writing in my dream.

June, 2011
I actually posted zero stories in June of last year. What's up with that? I apparently posted five in 2010, but none at all in 2011. I am unsure why, since I didn't go on vacation until the very end of the month. Hmmm, maybe I was busy trying to finish that birthday story for my sister that I never did finish. At any rate, it is fun to scroll through my archive and see what I was up to last year.

So far this month I have started a new Leverage fic and written some Falling Skies fic. I have so many thoughts about Falling Skies, I need to make a post. We will just say that I wrote some Tom Mason/Dan Weaver fic and it got weird and though I really like it a lot actually, I am not sure I am brave enough to post it. I would probably have to make a new 'kink' tag for it. Let's just leave it at that. (Now all I have done is intrigued you all, haven't I?)

misha fucking collins, spn love, wee!weasleys, stephen colbert supports truthiness, fic count total, charles/erik - love is groovy, writing blahblahblahing, leverage - the a-team 2.0, glee is love!, jon stewart tells us the truth, puck my baby-daddy, x-men are hardcore hottie heroes, harry potter and friends, cw rps is a sickness plague, word count total, dream in which..., falling skies saves the summer

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